Chapter 27

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Louis POV

Venice didn't text me all day yesterday since she was with Liam. I didn't mind though, she needed to spend time with him and she said we'll spend the day together today. I got a text the night of the concert that I only read yesterday morning, from Venice, saying that she would explain everything. I really had no reason to freak out but I can't help but think that what she has to say is something terrible.

Paul bangs on our door, shouting at us to hurry because the jet boards in 30 minutes. Zayn huffs and stuffs his clothes in his suitcase, ordering me to sit on it so he can zip it up. When everything is packed we take all our crap downstairs and wait in the lobby for everyone else. Once Niall comes down, Paul ushers us to one of the cars. We sit there for a minute until finally Harry, Liam and Venice come out and get in the other car. My eyes stay glued to Venice's figure as she comes out of the hotel and walks to the car. She is so beautiful, I have no idea how I got so lucky.

Her hair flips in the breeze as she turns to look at the car in sat in. Her eyes roam over the deeply tinted windows, her eyes land on mine and she smiles slightly, wiggling her fingers in a small wave before Liam grabs her arm, pulling her to the car. I sigh and look away, gazing at my phone in my hand instead.

"Venice told me about you two," Niall says and I freeze, slowly lifting my gaze to look at him. "I'm very happy for you."

"Thank you," I smile, opening my phone and looking down at the picture of Venice I took the other day.

"You look very happy," he comments quietly.

"I am," I nod in agreement. Venice is so lovely, I'm the luckiest person ever.

"When are you going to tell Li?" he asks after a minute.

"Are you kidding?" I sass. "He'd rip my dick off and make me eat it. Never ever are we going to tell."

"Venice will probably tell him in a couple weeks," Zayn says immediately after. "She already told Sophia."

"So everyone knows but Liam?" Niall asks.

"Pretty much," Zayn nods.

"And she tried to tell him yesterday but he flipped a bitch," Niall continues, making me wince at the memory.

"He just needs time to adjust to having her," Zayn comforts. "Once he's accepted his role, he'll be open to hearing the truth."

Niall nods and we fall into a tense silence, each of us occupied by our own thoughts. Mine are filled with Venice. She's all I ever think about anymore. I want to be with her all the time and hear her voice and touch her. Just gentle touches like our arms pressed together, her fingers brushing ghostly up my arm, raising goosebumps.

I hope she craves me like I crave her. That she thinks about kissing me as much as I think about kissing her. I hope that she knows how happy she makes me, how full my heart is when I see her or hear her voice.

Feeling a burst of energy and longing, with a dash of confidence, I go on Pinterest (yes I have on, don't judge) and look up sappy quotes. After a minute, I find the perfect one, it's sweet and silly, and I know it will make her smile and possibly giggle.

To Vee//

Smiling to myself, I lock my phone and wait for her to reply

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Smiling to myself, I lock my phone and wait for her to reply. I can just picture the her face when she opens it, her nose will scrunch up while she giggles and her eyes will crinkle at the sides as she smiles down at the screen, shaking her head a little bit. Her hair might fall in her eye and she's blow it out of the way or brush it behind her ear out of habit before typing a reply.

From Vee//

I bite my lip, confining my bright smile

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I bite my lip, confining my bright smile. She is so adorable, I can't get enough of her. This led to us sending sickeningly sappy quotes to each other. The car pulls up to a stop and I lock my phone and get out, the boys following. My phone dings as we board but I don't look at it just yet. I look around the plane and my eyes meet light blue ones. She smiles softly and I return it then take my seat. The lady tells us to put on our seatbelts and shut off our phones. After the plane takes off, we're allowed our devices on and we can move around. I pull out my phone and open the message I got as we boarded.

From Vee//

My heart picks up and quickly type back a reply before looking around to find her already looking at me

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My heart picks up and quickly type back a reply before looking around to find her already looking at me.

To Vee// Bathroom. Wait five minutes.

She checks her phone then looks up and meets my eyes, smirking then nodding. I watch carefully as she stands and makes her way to the back of the plane. Three minutes go by and I can't take it anymore. I stand and move the direction she went. When I reach the bathroom, I knock softly twice and the door opens slowly.

When Venice sees me, she grabs my arm and pulls me in. I giggle and flip us around, pushing her against the door to shut it. Before she can say anything, I slam my lips into hers and kiss her hard. She gasps, but soon relaxes and melts against me. I move my lips against hers roughly, earning little whimper and sighs. After a minute, I run my tongue along her bottom lips and she squeaks, pulling away. I open my eyes to see her looking at me with wide eyes.

"Too much?" I ask in a whisper.

"No, I liked it," she whispers then giggles. I watch her fondly as her nose scrunches up then relaxes as she calms down and looks at me seriously. "I have something to tell you."

"Is it about your first kiss?" I ask and she nods.

"It was Harry," she says quietly.

"Babe I don't care," I place my hands on her hips gently. "I've kissed, now I don't want to say loads but its a few, girls and it doesn't matter who you were with before. It's you and I now baby, and when you're ready we'll tell Liam, but I think we should wait a few weeks."

"Alright," she smiles and wraps her arms around my chest, hugging me tightly. I hug her tight and kiss the top of her head. "When we get to the hotel, let's watch a movie."

"That sounds lovely babe," I mumble.


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