Chapter 26

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Louis POV

This whole night has got me flustered and upset. I've spent an hour pacing our room and mumbling under my breath, my mind running wild. Zayn, Harry and Niall are keeping something from me. I know they are ... and why did Venice say all that about her first kiss. I thought I was her first kiss. Not that I care if I am or not, because I've kissed loads of people, but I'm very confused.

"Loueh, if you don't stop pacing, I'll break your legs," Zayn shouts at me, sitting up in bed.

"Sorry Zee," I sigh, sitting on my bed. "I'm just thinking."

"She'll tell you what you want to know when she's ready," he says, laying back down.

"Do you know?" I ask quietly, looking over to him.

"Yeah," he sighs. "And you have nothing to worry about."

"Alright," I sigh and stand up, stripping off my clothes down to my boxers. I walk over to Zayn's bed and stand next to it. "Can I sleep with you?"

"Sure Lou," he looks at me and smiles softly. I jump over him and fling up the cover, sliding inside and pulling them tight around me. Zayn starts grumbling and turns on to his side. I smile and slide closer to him, nuzzling my face in his back.

Liam POV

I wake up late, for me anyway, around 9. We have a free day, then we leave to Phili, where we have another free day before our concert. Hopefully her passport will be at the hotel once we get there, I would really like to leave for London as soon as the concert is over. There is a lot that still needs to be done, but I shouldn't worry. Sophia has handled quite a bit of it and it all doesn't need to be done right this minute. 

Calm down Liam! Jeez!

I take a quick shower and get dressed for the day then head downstairs for breakfast. Upon entering the eating area, I see Niall and Venice, dressed in their pajamas, shoveling food in their faces. I chuckle and grab a plate of food before sitting down next to Venice.

"Hello darling," I kiss her head.

"Hi daddy," she looks up at me with a bright smile.

"How was your sleep over?" I ask quietly and she giggles.

"It was really fun," she gushes. "Nibug is a good cuddler, but not as good as you daddy."

"Good," I say in a stern voice, wrapping my arm around her chair. Louis and Zayn enter the area and sit next to us, on either side of Niall. "I'm the only one you should be cuddling."

"Remember what we talked about yesterday," she looks at me with a knowing and slightly upset expression.

"I can't keep all the boys away from you, I know," I sigh and she smiles and kisses my cheek.

"I'm glad you remember that, because I'm going to have a boyfriend one day," she voices, turning back to her food.

"Not anytime soon you aren't," I tell, realizing I used a parent voice I've heard my father use many a time. Venice mumbles under her breath something I can't hear and I narrow my eyes at her. "What did you say?"

"I said fuck I forgot jam," she answers a bit loudly and stands up.

"I'll join you," Louis says, standing as well and following her.

"That was odd," I mumble, turning and looking at Zayn and Niall. They share a look but I ignore it and go back to my food. Venice returns moments later with a smile, Louis following shortly after.

"Are we still on for today?" she asks me.

"Yes," I answer, taking a drink of my water. "Get dressed to go out, we're going to spend the whole day in the city, just you and I."

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