Chapter 4

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Liam POV

"Liam! Liam!" A girl's voice sounds from the other side and I jump off the bed and rush to the door, pulling it open. Venice falls in and wraps her arms around me, sobbing softly into my shirt. I look into the hall and see a small group of girls laughing. Anger flares inside me and I slam the door, making her hold onto me tighter. I hug her for a second before bending down and picking her up bridal style.

She doesn't seem to know what's going on, only clings onto my neck tightly. I walk to the bed and take a seat, holding her securely in my lap. Lou excuses herself, taking Lux with her, while I mumble sweet nothings in Venice's ear, trying to get her to talk.

"Come on baby, tell me what's wrong," I coax and she looks at me with big, grey, watery eyes.

"Um," she begins in a shaky, chopped voice, trying to control her breathing. "I was walking to my room but I couldn't remember what number it was. So I was aimlessly wandering and dialing the number when a group of girls started talking to me. They said some really mean stuff, its stuff I've heard before but it still hurts."

"What do you mean you've heard it before? What did they say?" I question, genuinely worried about my daughter. She looks around the room and whimpers slightly. "Don't worry about them love, it's just you and me."

She looks me in the eye and nods softly. "Well these girls asked who I was and I didn't want to say my real name so I said my name was Marie, that's my middle name and then they started saying that they saw me with Sophia and Lottie and why would someone as pretty as them want to hang out with me. And they saw a picture of me with you and I don't deserve to be friends with you guys. And they said some other stuff like how I'm too thin and I'm not pretty. At my school the girls would say stuff like that to me."

The room is completely silent and my heart aches for this young girl. I know what it's like to be bullied.

Sophia POV

My blood is pumping, I am so angry at these girls. How can people be so cruel to my little girl. I mean she's not little but she's still mine.

"The boys harassed me too, but," her voice is tiny now. "Different ways."

"First, I'm glad you didn't say your real name," Liam starts off, tightening his arms around her. I rest my hand on her shin, her back is to the boys. "I love you and am glad you're here and you don't need to be cyber bullied. Next do you really believe anything those girls, the ones here and at school, said?"

"I mean maybe a bit but not a lot," Venice answers truthfully, sounding like a little kid. "I don't really dwell on it because I believe that what you put out is what you get back. I'm a bit thin I guess but that's only because there was always a lot of kids at the house, so I made sure they were fed before I ate, plus I have a very high metabolism. I don't have a disorder so don't think I do, I love food."

"None of what they said is true so don't believe it," Liam reassures. "You are perfect and beautiful just the way you are."

Venice sniffle and nods, looking him in the eyes. Liam nods then asks another question, "Now what did these boys do to you?"

Liam's tone is soft but strong and Venice's eyes widen. "Um ... they would always tease me and try to touch me but I didn't let them. And they would try to get me alone with them but I didn't."

My heart is breaking. Liam, along with the rest of the lads, look like they're about ready to kill someone. I decide to end the tension filled silence, "How did you stop them?"

"I kneed them in the balls or kicked their shin and ran away," her voice is stern and hard. Harry and Niall start laughing and Louis winces. Liam looks at me with wide eyes.

"You could've seriously hurt someone," Louis sasses, still a bit wary.

"Do I look like I give a fuck!" She turns to look at them. "They should have fuckin thought about that before they tried to do stupid shit! If they wanted to use that part of their anatomy they should have got a girlfriend. I'm not about to let some creep touch me, I'll cut a bitch! I don't give a shit!"

"I thought you said she was innocent," Liam attempts to mumble quietly but everyone can hear him.

"I said she was innocent not stupid," I answer, grabbing her hand to pull her attention to me. "Let's go to bed love."

I suggest and she nods, giving Liam a sorrowful look before turning and climbing off his lap. "Sorry I snapped Louis."

He hums and Liam starts talking again, "Get some rest sweetheart. We have a very busy day tomorrow."

Venice nods and mumbles a quick 'night'. I glare at each of the boys in turn, especially Louis, before grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the room. We get to ours and I pull her inside.

"Have a warm shower love, take as long as you want then we'll watch a movie or something," I suggest and she nods. I sit on one of the beds and watch as Venice goes to her suitcase and grabs a new t-shirt, some underwear, and shampoo and conditioner. I jump up before she goes into the bathroom. "Hey I'm just going to grab my phone from the other room I'll be back in a minute."

"I think mine is over there also, will you grab it?" she asks and I nod then walk out the door after she shuts the one to the bathroom. I didn't really leave my phone I just wanted to have a word with these boys. I knock on the door and hear shushing come from the other side of the door. It opens and I march in, my gaze angry. I look right at Louis, he's the reason I'm angry.

"We were just talking about Venice," Niall speaks up. "Is she really that innocent?"

"Oh my gosh it was so cute," I start then remember why I'm here. "No I'm here because one, she forgot her phone."

I look at Liam and he hands me the gold iPhone that was sitting on the bed. I take it and hold onto it tightly.

"And two," I turn my gaze to Louis. "I've had just about enough of your attitude Louis. Venice is not going anywhere and she is just the sweetest thing out there, so stop being so hard on her or I'll make you. And I'm not against doing to you what she did to those boys."

With that I turn to walk out the door but his voice stops me. "Sophia, I'm really sorry. I'm just in a bit of a mood today but I'll be better tomorrow."

"Thank you," I nod to him.

"So tell us what happened today," Harry jumps in receiving a glare from Liam.

"I don't think I'm going to tell you," I answer smugly, seeing Liam nod in the corner of my eye. "I'm not about to embarrass my daughter by telling a bunch of stupid boys what embarrasses her."

I turn and walk out the door, feeling quite proud of myself.


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