Chapter 12

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Niall POV

I'm so glad I've decided to not go after Venice, Liam looks like he could kill someone. Now that Venice has called him dad, he seems even more protective of her. A knock sounds on the door and the four lads from 5sos walk in. I stand up and greet them happily, Harry joining me.

"That was a good set mate," I compliment and they thank me.

"I really felt it," Luke starts. "I saw the cutest girl down there but a guard pulled her away."

I smirk, and move to the side so he can look around. "That sucks mate."

"Yeah," he sighs, looking around. "Wait there she is."

He motions toward Venice who is talking to Zayn by the window. I make eye contact with Harry.

"What is she doing here?" he wonders aloud.

"Why don't you ask her?" Harry suggests with an evil gleam in his eye.

"I will," Luke says and saunters over. I follow closely behind, wanting to see this.

"Hi," Luke says with a smile. I move to the side of her as she turns to face Luke, Zayn on her other side.

"Oh um, hi," Venice says with a smile, her cheeks turning a light pink.

"I'm Luke," he reaches his hand out and she shakes it.

"Venice," she says quietly. Zayn hits my arm behind her back and I look at him. He gestures to Liam who is looking at us with narrowed eyes. I suppress my giggles and watch closely.

"Did you like the show? I saw you but you left so quickly," Luke asks rushed.

"Yes it was wonderful. Sorry I left in the middle, my-"

"Luke," Liam comes up and wraps his arm around Luke's shoulders. "You're show was good mate."

"Thanks," Luke winks at Venice who blushes again. Luke smirks, seemingly pleased with this reaction. Liam's eyes are on fire, man I'm glad I'm not Luke right now.

"Venice, Sophia needs you," Liam says in a scary calm tone. She nods and walks away, all of us observing her movements.

"Damn," Luke mumbles and I snort.

"She's cute yeah," Liam says with a fake smile.

"Yeah," Luke agrees and Liam tightens his hold on him.

"Yeah well stay away," Liam growls, letting him go and sauntering off.

"What was that about?" Luke looks between Zayn and I.

"Oh well Liam and Sophia adopted Venice," Zayn smirks. "She's his daughter."

Louis POV

Is it bad that I'm happy Liam told Luke off?

I don't think it is.

Probably is though.

Shut up brain.


"Liam is so weird," Venice comments, coming over and standing by me. "He said Sophia needed me but she didn't and now Luke won't talk to me."

"I wouldn't worry about Luke love," I wrap my arm around her waist and she lays her head on my shoulder.

"Alright," she sighs. I lean back so I'm sat on the table, she moves and stands between my legs, her arms wrapped around my chest and her head resting on my shoulder. She buries her face in my neck and I pull her tightly to me. She mumbles into my neck, "You smell good."

I chuckle and tighten my arms around her, "Enjoy it while it lasts. That'll change in about two hours."

She laughs into my neck, making my skin tingle. We stand like this for about five minutes.

"So Venice," an Australian accent calls and she lifts her head, turning in my arms. She leans back and now her bum is pressed against my crotch, if she moves we may have a big problem. I look over and see Zayn and Niall smirking at me. "How old are you?"

"16," she answers and I hear a mumble of 'fuck'.

"When's your birthday? Are you going to be 17 this year?" Michael asks. She giggles and involuntarily bends over a bit, pushing her bum harder into me. My breath catches and I call up the most disgusting thoughts I can possibly muster. I haven't slept with anyone since Eleanor, so I'm a bit on the edge.

"Yeah, my birthday is in November," she answers with a smile. "The 24th."

I release the breath I was holding and look at Liam who is raising his eyebrow at me menacingly. I match his scowl and he turns his gaze to Venice. "Ven babe did you get a hold of Thomas?"

"Yeah I called the house earlier," she says quietly. "He said he was doing good, a couple came after we left and are taking him tomorrow."

"Well that's lovely," Sophia smiles and Venice nods, pushing herself farther back into my comfort.

"Yeah, I hope he goes to a new school, then hopefully he wont get bullied as much," her tone is dark but a small voice brightens the room.

"Veny," Lux shrieks and runs toward her. Venice, thankfully, steps out of my grasp and bends down to pick the young girl up.

"Whatcha doin baby?" Venice kisses her cheek and she giggles.

Venice POV

"Will you play with me?" Lux asks me sweetly.

"Of course I'll play with you," I set her down and she grabs my hand, pulling me to the middle of the room. I sit on the ground cross legged and she plays with my hair. After about 15 minutes the boys are called up and Sophia, Lottie and I go with several guards down to the sidelines. I'm so excited, I can't contain it. I watch in awe and pure jubilation. The concert is amazing and I'm on cloud nine when it's over. We return to the dressing room and grab our stuff, going back to the hotel to pack while the boys finish work.

After about an hour I'm all packed, showered and in bed. I was going to wait for Liam but I'm too tired, I close my eyes and am asleep in minutes.


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