Chapter 6

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Venice POV

After wandering around for a bit, receiving cryptic messages from the boys, I enter the actual stadium.

From Harry// Ah, I thought you would never make it. I was getting worried.

To Harry// Oh I'm sure.

A bubble of various laughter floats from the other side of the room but I ignore it and continue walking around the floor. My phone dings several times but I pay no mind to it, and concentrate on the smell of the stadium and the way the edges of the stage feel on my fingertips. After walking around the entire thing, I take a seat in the middle of the first section of chairs, deciding then to check my phone.

From Zayn// Don't let him bug you.

From Niall// Are you excited?!

From Harry// Why are you ignoring us?

From Louis// They can be quite annoying can't they.

I roll my eyes and chuckle a bit, surprised that Louis actually texted me. I thought he didn't like me.

From Louis// Hey I'm sorry if I've been a bit short with you. Just been having a rough time but you seem like a nice girl.

I smile at that and text him back quickly.

To Louis// It's alright. You had your reasons and I respect that. I hope we can be friends :)

"Alright lads let's get this started! Only a couple hours until the concert!" The man I remember as Paul hollers and I pull my attention away from my phone. The five boys come out on stage and music starts. I listen in awe and enthrallment as my favorite band starts a practice concert seemingly only for me. I stand up and start to dance, singing along to the music. After about 45 minutes or so, I've recorded the entire thing on my phone, and their rehearsal is over. Harry jumps off the stage next to me and saunters over, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"Did you enjoy the show?" he asks in a cheeky voice.

"Yeah. Zayn was really good," I answer with the same cheekiness, ducking under his arm and turning away from him.

"What about me?" he sounds hurt and I smirk.

"Eh," I shrug. "You were alright."

I turn and wink at him before walking away. Liam comes up behind me and picks me up, spinning me around.

"How did you like it?" he asks, setting me down and slinging his arm around my shoulder.

"I loved it! You guys are so amazing!" I shriek excitedly, jumping while we walk. He chuckles and guides me to the dressing room where Sophia is waiting, talking to Lou and Lottie.

"And this morning she blushed so hard after Li-" Sophia starts but I rush in and tackle her on the couch, covering her mouth with my hand. She starts giggling immensely as I glare down at her. She sticks her tongue out and licks my hand, I squeal and jump off her, wiping my hand on my jeans.

"Eww," I give her a disgusted look and she smirks. I huff and take a seat on the opposite side of the room while the boys walk in.

Harry POV

I watch Venice out of the corner of my eye, she just sits there, either looking at her phone or staring into space. She interests me greatly and is a major tease. Her leg starts bouncing up and down and I can see the frustration in her features. She stands up and walks over to Liam who is talking to Zayn. Venice stands there, waiting for either one of them to take notice, when they don't she pushes herself angrily between them and stomps over to Sophia.

"I'm starving," her voice is low and dangerous, and honestly it turns me on a bit. Calm down Harry! You're practically her uncle!

"Okay baby," Sophia gets up and walks over to Liam. I seriously envy their relationship. Mine always seem okay at first then turn to crap, partly because the chick is a psychopath. I decide to tease Venice more, even though I'm sure it's a terrible idea because Liam will kill me.

To Venice// You are very cute when your mad ;)

I secretly watch as she pulls out her phone and looks at it, blushing slightly and smirking a bit before typing away.

From Venice// Is that so ..

"Come on love," Sophia says calmly to Venice. "Let's go."

Venice smiles widely and attempts to not seem too eager walking out of the room. Liam sighs as they walk out, Lou and Lux following.

"Mate you gotta pay more attention," I say, clapping him on the back. "I thought she was going to kill someone."

"I'm just not used to having to worry about someone else yet," he says in a breath.

"She can really take care of herself," Louis says quietly. "But if you want us to all help we can."

"I couldn't ask you to do that," Liam shakes his head. "It'll be okay."

Louis pats his shoulder then Niall speaks up. "Lottie, so um, how did it go shopping with her yesterday?"

I know what he is doing and I want to know just as badly, all the boys' heads perk up but Liam scowls. "No. We are not talking about this."

"Come on Li," Niall whines. "You know you want to know."

"Know what?" Lottie jumps in, getting up to stand by us.

"How innocent she is," I answer, trying to keep my voice steady.

"She's my daughter I don't want to know that," Liam says. "And you shouldn't know that either. If any of you so much as tries anything I will hurt you."

With that he turns and storms out of the room, we all look at Lottie expectantly but she just zips her lips closed and throws the key.

Louis POV

I'm finding myself more and more drawn to Venice. I don't know what it is about her or maybe its because I broke up with Eleanor 6 months ago. Maybe it's the way she screamed at me yesterday or the way she was dancing and singing along to our music earlier. Whatever it is, I want her. I just want to hold her and kiss her and cuddle her and love her and protect her.

Liam would kill me though, but I think she would be worth it. I've just got to take it slow and be her friend first. Then when we are close I'll tell her how I feel, and maybe, hopefully, she will feel the same.


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