Chapter 44

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We wander inside just in time to watch Venice open the giant box from Thomas. She looks up at us with a grin. "Oh my god! I'm so excited! I wonder what it is!"

"Look love, there's a letter," Sophia says, pointing inside the flap of the box. Venice pulls it out and hands it to her, looking at her expectantly. "You want me to read it?"

She nods and Sophia opens the letter, pulling out three different colored papers. She opens the first one and starts reading.


I hope this finds you well. I didnt want critters to get into it, so I put it in these cans. My mom said that England doesn't allow Corn Syrup. What the hell are you gonna to do? I only have so much allowance! I bet you dont make it a month over there! On the plus, you wont have as many cavities.

Englad will have something good for candy though. My mom and dad went there once. They said they did want to go back so maybe we can come and see you. I miss you so much.

Call me tonight. ♡

Love always, Thomas

Ps. Dont eat all of this in a week. You know you get tummy aches when you only eat candy."

While Sophia is reading, Venice rips the box open and gasps. Inside are 4 tins with plastic lids on them. Inside of each tin is a different candy. Liam swears beside me and I giggle, sitting down next to her to look in the box.

"I love him so much," she whines, holding a pink bear stuffy, that was inside the box, to her chest. "Best brother in the world."

"There's a letter here for you Liam," Sophia says and Venice looks at her quickly.

"Read it," she whispers, glancing up at Liam then back at Sophia.

"Dear Liam,

I've heard a lot about you. You seem pretty cool. Cooler now that you're not just a boyband Vee talks endlessly about.

I trust you to head my words carefully. She's extremely whiney when she's sick ... but you have to give her credit for how many sour patch kids she can eat in a row. They always hurt my mouth after a few.

Whatever she says, dont let her keep them in her room.


Ps. She'll tell you I cant be trusted, dont let those blue eyes play you."

"I'm not whiney," Venice protests, already stuffing her mouth with sour patch kids.

"Course not love," I smile at her. "What else is in here besides candy?"

"He wrote one to me as well," Sophia mumbles and Venice ignores the box to pay attention.

"Dear Sophia,

Liam will cave so I'm trusting in you to stay strong. Everyone knows you're the boss. Venice adores you and always wanted to be "girlfriends" with her mom. I know you'll be that for her.

Sincerely, Thomas"

Venice just giggles and eats more candy before looking through the box again.

"Ps.," Sophia continues. "Miss Sally gave me some photos of Venice to send to you. I didn't look at the ones in the sealed envelope."

"Miss Sally had photo's of me?" Venice asks and I watch Liam and Sophia exchange a worried glance.

"Course she did love," I try to lighten the mood. "Of you growing up and going on school trips probably. I bet there's one of you and Thomas!"

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