Chapter 36

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I wake up from my nap, that I fell asleep for right after I hung up with Lou, in the early afternoon, around 2pm. I slowly sit up and stretch, looking at my phone for messages. There's one from Harry and two from Louis. I ignore them for the time being, and roll out of bed, quickly changing into leggings and a tank top before grabbing my phone and making my way downstairs.

"Liam!" I call as I wander through the house.

"Kitchen!" his voice sounds. I wander in there to find him and Sophia cooking lunch. He looks up at me and smiles, walking over and kissing my temple. "How was your nap baby?"

"Really good," I sigh, leaning into him. "That bed is so comf. Like a fucking cloud."

"Venice," he scolds lightly, making me giggle.

"Are you hungry love?" Sophia asks and I nod.

"Are you still planning on going out?" Liam asks warily.

"Yes," I nod, a cheeky smile on my lips.

"Alright, well give me your phone and I'll get an oyster card set up," he says and I pass my phone to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Thank you," I sing song, moving to the fridge. I pull out a bottle of water and twist the cap, taking a sip. It's silent a moment and I take a seat at the bar as Sophia places a plate of chicken parm in from of me. I begin eating, and Liam places my phone on the counter next to me.

"Do you need any money darling?" Liam asks me.

"No," I mutter with a blush. "I still have the money you gave me."

"Alright, just tell me when you'll need more," he kisses the top of my head. "And please call if you get lost or if you want me to come and pick you up. Stay away from the east side of town, especially at night. If you go to Piccadilly Circus, make sure you keep your purse close to you, or better yet don't take a purse cause it's known for pick-pockets. China town is through there if you want to go. If you feel unsafe at all just pop into a pub and sit down, then call me and I'll come get you. You should get service in the tube, because you're phone is set up as international on my plan but let me know if there is a problem.-"

"I'll be fine dad," I call over him. "I'll call you if something happens, and I'll be home by 8."

"Good," he nods curtly.


It's 5:30 now and I've been exploring for nearly two hours. This city is so wonderful! I love it here. It's basically like New York but everyone talks cuter and the buildings are older. I'm on oxford street I believe, the street signs are so hard to read. This place is so crazy, but there's tons of shops. I'm actually starting to get cold, so I pop into an Adidas shop and get myself a cute sweatshirt.

I wander around some more, ending up in Piccadilly circus. I'm starting to get hungry and decide to stop in china town to eat. It's almost 7 when I finish and decide to make my way home. I begin to walk in the right direction, admiring the scenery. I don't know how far I've walked, or how close to home I am, but I pass a little skate shop and rush to it. I really miss long boarding, I had one but it broke sadly.

I look around the shop until I find on I like and purchase it with a grin. Saying goodbye to the shop owner, I skate to the nearest tube station, since it's a quarter to 8 and catch the train to my stop.

It's nearly 8 when I get off, and since it's at least a 12 minute walk I know it will take me a minute to get home. I pull out my phone and text Liam that I'm on my way and I just got off the train and I'll be home soon.

I don't wait for his reply, just shove my phone in my hoodie pocket and begin to skate home. I finally reach it, and open the front door with the key Liam gave me and enter the house.

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