Chapter 41

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When we get back to the hotel Louis goes to his room telling me to text him later and I knock on my parents door. Sophia throws it open with a wide grin and immediately shows me her ring.

I squeal and throw my arms around her neck hugging her tight. "Oh my god! Yay! I'm so happy!"

"Me too baby," she mumbles in my ear. I pull away and grab her hand, pulling her more in the room. We sit on the couch and I look at her ring.

"Its so beautiful. I went with dad to pick it up," I smirk at her.

She glares at me and pinches my side with her other hand. "I knew you knew something."

I giggle and look around the empty room. "Where is dad?"

"At the gym," she says, wrapping her arm I was holding around my shoulders.

"I think I want to tell him about me and Louis," I continue, looking up at her. "What do you think?"

"Hmm," she pauses, thinking about it. "I think that if you want to tell him, you should. He may be mad, but ultimately he wants you to be happy, and if Louis makes you happy, then he'll learn to live with it."

I nod, taking in what she said. "When should I tell him?"

"As soon as you want," she shrugs. "I'll be there with you if you want me too."

"Thanks," I smile at her. "I think I want to tell him today."

"Okay," she smiles at me. "Tell Louis you are so he's prepared and we'll hang out and wait for him to come back."

I nod and pull out my phone as she stands and moves around the room. I text him that I'm going to tell Liam today and that Sophia is going to help me. He replies back immediately saying he supports me and he'll be in his room if I need him.

Locking my phone, I turn my attention to the movie Sophia has put on. She throws a blanket around us and we sit cuddled up on the couch until Liam returns an hour later. He greets us with a smile, but quickly showers before talking to us.

"You look cute baby," he says as I stand to hug him.

"Thanks," I smile up at him. I glance at Sophia, who gives me a reassuring smile before taking a deep breath and looking up at him. "Dad, I need to tell you something."

"Okay," he smiles softly, sitting on the couch.

I take a deep breath and then say what I want to. "I-, um, I'm dating Louis."

His face falls and I slowly step back into Sophia's embrace as he narrows his eyes at me, his brow furrowing. "You're dating Louis?"

"Yeah," I mumble quietly.

"For how long?" He asks loudly, standing up aggressively.

"A few weeks," I keep my head down but look at him through my eyelashes.

"A few weeks?" He shouts. "How? How did this happen?"

"We just clicked," I shrug, finally looking up at him. "I really like him."

"He's 22 and he's my mate Venice!" He steps toward me then turns around and starts pacing. "Oh my god I let you have sleepovers."

And there it is, that's the part I was most worried about. Luckily Sophia speaks up in a calm voice. "She's 16 Liam-"

"Did you know about this?" He turns on her angrily. She doesnt flinch, but I quickly hide behind her, peaking at him from over her shoulder.

"I did, and I think its great," she raises her voice. "He makes her happy."

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