Chapter 29

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Venice POV

After lunch, the boys had the day off, so Louis and I spent the day cuddling and watching movies. We were well into our fifth movie, when I felt a familiar wetness in my underwear. What a time to start my period. My first night alone with my boyfriend. I think the fairy over this whole miserable cycle, hates me.

I roll away from Louis and stand up, looking down at him with wide eyes. "I-I'll be right back."

With that, I grab my phone and dart out of the room, racing down the hall in my socking covered feet. I get to the end of the hall and take the lift down to the lobby, dialing Sophia's number on the way. She answers when the door ping open, sounding like she was asleep.

"Sorry Soph did I wake you?" I mumble out, walking gracefully to the bathroom.

"No baby, you're fine," she says, but I know she's lying. "What's up?"

"I started my period," I pout, locking the door as it shuts behind me.

"Oh," she says in surprise. "Okay, go to Liam, and tell him what happened and that you need to go to the store. He'll give you money, and probably want to go with you. If you don't want him to, then just say so, he won't be upset, but he'll send a guard with you I'm sure, if only just so you don't get lost."

"Okay," I breathe out shakily. "Thank you."

"It's alright love," Sophia says. "Are you having fun?"

"Yeah," I tell honestly. "I miss you though."

"Ah, love I miss you," Sophia coos. "I can't wait for you to come home and see your room."

"Speaking of which," I begin, thinking about the message she sent me. "What did you want to talk about when we get to London?"

"You'll have to wait and see," she says in a mischievous tone.

"Is it about Lou?" I ask in a small voice.

"No, love no," she says with a soft chuckle. "If you're happy then that's all that matters, I told you that."

"I just wanted to be sure," I say, blushing into the mirror.

"Don't worry about it darling, it's nothing bad," she says. "I must be going, but be sure to tell Liam, don't be scared. I love you sweetie, have fun. I'll see you in a few days."

"By Sophia," I mumble and pull the phone away from my ear.

I set my phone on the counter and turn to the tampon and pad dispensers hanging on the wall. I twist the nob for a tampon and pull it out. I open the paper wrapping and groan when I see it's cardboard. That's the worst, it's like shoving sandpaper up there. I throw it away and grab a pad.

When I'm done with my business, I take the lift up to my floor and walk to Liam's room. I pound my fist on the door until it's opened by a slightly scraggly looking Harry. I push past him and go straight to Liam. He raises and eyebrow and I feel my face flush a dark red, making me hot.

"Something happened," I whisper.

"What?" Liam asks, sounding worried and making me smile. "What happened?"

I look down at where I'm ringing my phone in my hands then look up and lean in so my lips are pressed to his ear. I place a hand on his shoulder to keep myself up, "I started my period. Sophia said you'll take me to the store."

"Oh," he says, pulling back and looking at me with wide eyes. "Yeah love, go get some shoes on."

I nod and rush out of the room, going to mine and Louis'. I knock on the door and Louis' answers with a confused expression.

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