Chapter 39

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Louis POV

I'm already in Perth, the city for our first concert in Australia, and mostly everyone is here, except Liam. Some of the lads and I are out at a pub, getting a drink. Niall orders everyone another round, the fourth one of the night, and my phone rings. I pull it out of my pocket and answer without looking.

"Hello?" I call over the sounds of drinking and laughter and fairly loud music.

"Hi babe," Venice's sweet voice sounds in my ear.

"Hello love," I smile, loving the sound of her voice. "How are you?"

"I'm really good," she sighs. "I miss you though. I can't wait until tomorrow so I can see you again."

"Me too baby," I mumble, taking a swig of my beer. "I miss you."

"What are you doing?" She asks in a soft, slightly sad, voice.

"I'm at a pub with some of the lads," I respond.

"Oh fun," she mutters.

"What's the matter babe?" I ask, finishing off my drink and standing up to walk to a quieter place in the bar.

"Nothing," she sighs. "I just miss you."

"Well I'll see you tomorrow lovely," I remind in a soft voice. "Get some rest cause I know it's late there, and we'll talk tomorrow."

"Okay," she mumbles and I can just imagine the pout on her adorable lips.

"Don't pout baby," I smile.

"I am," she replies and I giggle softly. "Will you hug me tight and kiss me when you see me tomorrow, and then we can cuddle in my bed?"

"Absolutely darling," I grin. "That's all I want."

"Good," she states and I can picture her nodding affirmative to my words. "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Good night baby girl," I say with a smirk.

"Night Lou," she says quietly, the blush on her cheeks is obvious even though we are on the phone.

She hangs up first, and I shove my phone in my pocket and walk back to the bar. I really like this girl. She's just too cute and sweet, and ... I think things will go far with her.

Venice POV

I blushed so hard when Louis called me baby girl. It made me feel so warm inside. I really liked it. I've been talking to Mikey all week, mostly about Louis, and he's helping me. Well mostly he's trying to get me to be more bold and less shy. I'm just new to all this stuff, boyfriend stuff, but I'm happy that Louis knows that and wants to take things slow.

Picking up my phone, I pull up Mikey's messages and text him.

To Mikey // Lou just called me baby girl.

From Mikey // That's cute girl. That's what I call my girl and she loves it.

To Mikey // Yeah it was really cute. I liked it.

From Mikey // Now you just need to find something to call him.

To Mikey // I call him lots of cute things ... what do you mean?

Mikey is confusing me. I always call Lou cute pet names. I know he likes them, they're cute.

From Mikey // Well some men like to be called things that turn them on.

Interesting. What sort of things is he talking about..?

To Mikey // Like what??

From Mikey // Well just an example, Sir, is one, Master, .. Daddy.

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