Chapter 5

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Venice POV

I've never took so long in a shower before. I always had to hurry at the house but here I can take as long as I want. When I get out I feel so relieved, my muscles are relaxed, my hair smells like Lavender and my body smells like Vanilla. I pull on the new red lace bottoms I got from VS and a t-shirt, keeping my hair wrapped in a towel, I peek out of the bathroom

"Sophia!" I call and hear a 'yeah'. "Are there any boys in here?"

"No love, it's just you and I," she answers and I giggle. I walk out of the bathroom, humming You & I. "Why did you want to know if they were in here?"

"I don't want them to see me in my underwear," I blush and she laughs. After putting my dirty clothes in an empty suit case and my shampoo and conditioner in the zipper pocket. I take my towel off my head and brush my hair and teeth before climbing under the covers next to Sophia.

"Excited are we?" she teases and I giggle, tucking the covers up to my chin. "You pick a movie."

She gives me the remote and stands up, going into the bathroom. I flip through the channels, finally landing on Hitch. She comes out in shorts and a tank then crawls into the bed next to me.

"I plugged your phone in on the nightstand," she says, getting comfortable. I mumble a 'thanks' before turning off the light and cuddling up to her side. We watch the movie in silence and soon I'm about asleep.

"Thank you for everything," I mumble, on the brink of sleep.

"You are welcome sweetie," she kisses my head and then I'm out.


The sound of voices wakes me up in the morning. I don't attempt to move, just lay there and listen, while taking in the morning.

"Have you got a hold of the school?" a woman's voice asks. I'm still too groggy to recognize it, the English accent throwing me off. That's not usually what I hear in the morning.

"Yes and they are going to send her records to our house in London, so they should be there when we get back. Then we can hire her a tutor." A man's deep English accent responds and I let out a huff of air.

"We need to get her a passport before she can leave the country," Sophia says and I shift, opening my eye to look at the time.

"We still have a few concerts in America so it should be done in time," Liam says and my vision focuses. Its 8:30 in the morning, my heart jumps to my throat and I sit upright in bed.

"Oh my gosh I'm late for school!" I shout, throwing the covers off me and jumping up to my suitcase. I grab a pair of blue skinny jeans and tug them on swiftly.

"Venice!" Sophia shouts, grabbing my arms and stopping me as I finish buttoning and zipping them up. "You don't have school today. You transferred out remember."

I blink at her, unsure what is going on then I remember what happened. A sigh escapes my lips and I fall back on the bed, laying there lifeless, "Damn."

Liam giggles and I groan, rolling so I'm facing him and shooting him a glare. This makes him laugh harder and I flip him off.

"Those jeans are quite tight, I'm impressed you got them on so fast," Sophia teases and I huff, sitting up right.

"I'm glad you're up though because we have a lot to do today and I have a concert later tonight," Liam says and my interest peeks.

"Can I come? or probably not yet." I ask curiously.

"Of course you can come," Liam smiles at me and I grin back. "Hurry and get dressed so we can go."

Liam walks out and I turn my gaze to Sophia, who is giving me a cheeky grin, "You know he saw you in your underwear."

My entire face heats up just like the day before and I look at her with wide eyes. She breaks out in a laugh and I pull the neck of my shirt over my face. "Hurry and get dressed sweetie."

I nod and pull off my shirt then grab the red lace bra that matches my bottoms. After putting it on I grab a purple/blue long sleeve flowy shirt with tan ankle boots. I brush my teeth and add a few big, loose curls to my naturally curly hair then place a tan fedora on my head. I'm very pleased with my sense of style, I've come a long way. Walking out, I see Liam and Sophia quietly talking to each other on the other side of the room. I clear my throat so they know I'm here and move to grab my phone from the night stand.

"I'm ready," I say glancing at them while sliding my phone in my back pocket.

"You look very lovely sweetie," Sophia smiles at me and I blush faintly.

"Let's go then," Liam claps his hands. "There are some people we have to meet then we will run our errands."

I nod and follow them out the door and to another room. Liam knocks on the door and a fairly large man answers the door. "Ah Liam, I rounded everybody up so you can talk to them."

Liam nods to the man and grabs my hand, pulling me into the room. Around ten guys are all in the room, looking at us. He pulls me to the front and wraps his arm around my shoulders. "Everybody this is Venice, our daughter we just adopted. I just wanted you to all meet her so there aren't any misunderstandings."

"It's nice to meet all of you," I say quietly, turning a bit into Liam's chest. Paul, Preston, and Mark introduce themselves then we leave, getting into a car. Preston and another guy come with us and we drive to a state office. There we go in and I fill out information to get my passport and get my picture taken. They say it should take about a week and Liam tells the address of the hotel we will be at then so the package will go there. After that it's about time for rehearsal so we head to the stadium. When we get there, I follow behind Liam and Sophia who are holding hands and a security guard shows us around. My phone beeps in my pocket and I look at it.

From Harry// I see you.

From Zayn// Don't listen to him.

I stop in my tracks and look around, not seeing anyone but the couple's retreating figure.

From Harry// I like your hat.

To Harry// You're weird. Leave me alone.

I chuckle to myself and continue walking even though I have no idea where I'm going. If they need me they'll find me, so I decide to explore.


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