Chapter 42

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It's been two days since I told Liam, and they still have concerts before the next break. Things have been good in our little family. Liam and Sophia have been super lovey and adorable. I've taken so many photos of them, of everyone and everything actually.

Currently we are in the dressing room of another stadium, waiting for the concert. Liam is talking to Louis about ... I dont know and I honestly dont care. I'm feeling very childish and hyper, so I'm bothering him.

"Dad," I whisper, poking his arm gently with my finger. I'm sitting next to him on the couch while Louis is on one of the chairs.

He ignores me so I continue whispering his name and poking him until he turns his head and snaps at me. "What Venice?"

"Hi," I giggle, smiling at him brightly.

"Hi love," he sighs, smiling softly.

Sighing, I lay my head on his shoulder as he goes back to his conversation. Adults are so boring. I just want to do something and he's the easiest to tease. Louis would do something with me, but he's also being a lame adult right now.

I sneakily slide off the couch and crawl around behind it, popping up to see Louis glance at me. Squatting so Liam wont see me, I look around the room and crawl quickly over to the napkins. I grab one and an empty cup and start ripping it into small pieces.

"What are you doing?" Harry asks loudly and I quickly stand up as Liam looks over at us and smile innocently at him. He smiles back and turns around, so I glare at Harry.

"Fuck off Styles," I hiss at him. "You're gonna get me caught."

He chuckles and I go back to tearing up the paper and putting it in the cup. Next I wander over to Lou and my mom who are chatting by the makeup table.

"Lou," I whisper, sitting on my mom's lap. "Do you have any glitter?"

"Why do you need glitter baby?" Mom asks, rubbing my back softly.

"I'm gonna prank dad," I whisper as Lou digs around in her bag and pulls out some glitter. I look around and see he's still talking to Louis before I snatch it from the girl. "Thanks."

I dump a little bit of it into the cup then place my hand over the top of the cup and shake it up so the napkin gets covered in glitter. It's a makeup glitter so I know it will stick to everything.

Pulling my hand away, I grin wickedly into the blue glittery cup and wipe the glitter on my hand onto my Jean's before handing the glitter back to Lou and standing up. I hand my cup to my mom and lean in to whisper to her.

"Watch my cup. Dont let anyone touch it," I hiss before sneaking past the couch to the door. I grab my long board while keeping my eyes on Liam and slip out of the door. Once I'm out, I skate around the next couple of rooms and gather everything I need, a paper, some tape and a large sharpie.

Skating back, I slip into the room without anyone noticing and leave my longboard by the door before tiptoeing back to my mom.

"You are in a silly mood today love," she coos as I sit on the ground next to her feet and write DORK on the paper in bold letters.

I don't answer, just keep writing as she plays with my hair. Once I'm finished, I place a large piece of tape on it so it will stick, then look at her with a grin.

"Will you help me please?" I ask quietly, glancing over at Liam and Louis, who have now been joined by Harry.

"What do you need me to do?" She asks softly, a sparkle in her eye.

I tell her my plan and hand her the paper, then take the cup and sneak over to Liam. I squat behind the couch, listening to them talk and biting my lip to keep from giggling.

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