Chapter 37

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"Oh Venice, it's lovely to meet you," she coos, pulling me from Liam and into a hug. I gasp, my eyes wide, and gently wrap my arms around her. "You can call me Nan."

"Hi," I mumble, pulling away from her and stepping back into Liam's side.

"Come inside," she ushers us inside the house. I sit on the couch between Liam and Sophia, resisting the urge to just call Louis and have him talk the butterflies out of my stomach. "Geoff will me home later and the girls are coming tomorrow."

"Oh great," Liam smiles. I look over at him and study his features. He looks so happy. I can tell he really missed her.

"You're so gorgeous Venice," she compliments me. "I can see why my son picked you."

My face heats up and I look down at my lap bashfully. "Thank you."

"I have loads of questions, but Geoff, Liam's father, will be home any minute so we should wait for him," Nan says. "In the mean time, why don't you bring your things in and I'll make some tea."

"Sounds good mum," Liam smiles and stands up. I follow his actions and follow him out the door with Sophia behind us. "Why are you being so shy baby? I told you they would love you."

"Yeah," I sigh, grabbing my duffle and slinging it on my shoulder. "Sorry, I was just nervous, but I'll try to be more friendly."

"Just be yourself sis," Sophia says, wrapping her arm around me. I nod and we wander back into the house, placing our things in Liam's room for the time being.

We go into the kitchen where Nan has finished making tea and set out some cookies. I sit at the table quietly sipping my tea while Liam, Sophia and Nan converse. We've only been sitting there for a few minutes when I hear the front door open and a man's voice calls through the house.

"I'm home!"

"That's my dad," Liam smiles at me before standing and walking into the foyer.

"Why don't we take our tea in the lounge," Nan suggests. "Then we can talk more comfortably."

I nod and follow behind them, but stop and hide behind the wall, listening to them talk.

"How are you Sophia?" The new man says.

"I'm wonderful Geoff, thank you," Sophia replies. "And how are you?"

"Oh just great, yeah, just great," he tells. "So where is the girl?"

"Dad, her name is Venice," Liam says. "And she's so sweet. Baby, where are you? Come here please."

I take a deep breath before gliding into the lounge, not looking up at anyone as I head straight for the couch, sitting between Liam and Sophia. I take a sip of the tea in my mug and finally lift my eyes, laying them upon Liam's father.

"Ven, love, this is my dad, Geoff," Liam says, placing a hand on my leg in comfort.

"Hi," I smile at him. "It's nice to meet you both."

"The pleasure is all mine Venice," Geoff smiles at me. "You can call me Papa if you'd wish."

I giggle and take a sip of my tea. It wasn't funny when Liam's mum asked me to call her nan but when he said to call him papa, the normal term for grandpa, it just sounded super weird. We spend the next couple of hours eating dinner and talking about myself, then Liam's tour, and finally it's time for bed.

"Venice darling," Nan says to me. "You can take one of the girls' room upstairs. They should be fine sharing."

"Alright," I nod. "Thank you."

"Come along baby, I'll show you were it is," Liam says, grabbing my hand and leading up the stairs.

"I'll get your bag love," Sophia says, going over to Liam's room.

Liam leads me to a girls room and tells me to make myself at home, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Come find me if you need anything. Goodnight darling. See you in the morning."

I say goodnight to him then to Sophia as she turns up with my things. Once their gone I quickly get ready for bed then shut the door and snuggle under the covers, pulling out my phone to plug it in by the bed. I open it up to text Lou, then decide to just call him.

"Hello love," his sweet voice come through the speaker, louder than last night.

"Hi baby," I whisper, grinning in the darkness.

"How are you? How was your day? How did it go?" he bombards me with questions, making me giggle.

"It was good," I tell, giving all the details of my day. I ask about his day and then we have casual conversation, talking for well over an hour.

"Alright love, you should get some rest," Louis mutters. "I'm about to shove off as well."

"Okay," I sigh sleepily, closing my eyes. "Goodnight Lou. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Night babe," he whispers and I hang up, deciding sleep will be best.

Louis POV

I hang up the phone after talking to Venice, and smile to myself. She's so funny. I miss her a ton, but this time away will be good for us especially after being together for so long. I'm off in my own world, thinking about her when a voice to my left startles me.

"Who was that?" My head snaps to the left and see my mum standing in the entryway of the living room.

"God mum you gave me a fright," I breath, my hand on my chest.

"Oh sorry love," she chuckles, walking into the room and sitting down next to me. "So tell me about her. What's her name? What's she look like?"

"What?!" I try to play it off like I don't know what she's saying but cave when I see the look she's giving me. "Her names Venice."

I pull up the picture she sent me yesterday and show my mum.

"Oh Lou, she's lovely," she coos, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

"I think so," I grin. "She's, well ... she's 16."

"Age is just a number dear," she says, making me smile. I pull up the video I took of her the day we parted. It was right after she rolled out of bed when she was picking out what to wear that day. She's being very lazy and sluggish, talking to herself and sitting on the floor in only her underpants and a t-shirt. My mum chuckles at it and I giggle, unable to stop grinning. When the video is over she gives a side hug. "Oh she's cute love. You seem like the perfect match."

"We really are," I agree, locking my phone as I think about it. "Everyone else must think so as well because they help us sneak around."

"Sneak around?" she asks in surprise.

"Oh well," I pause, thinking of how best to tell her then decide to just come out with it. "Liam and Sophia decided that they were ready for something bigger and went to adopt a child and Venice is who they adopted."

"Oh," she breaths in shock.

"Yeah," I sigh. "Liam's not ready for her to have a boyfriend so he doesn't know, but everyone else does, even Sophia and she's cool with it."

"Well as long as Sophia knows," she sighs and I giggle, which makes her glare at me playfully. "I love that you're happy Lou."

"I am mum," I smile at her softly.

"I'm glad," she presses a kiss to my forehead. With that she stands up and walks toward the stairs. "Goodnight Louis. I love you."

"Love you," I call after her. I sit on the couch for a few moments, thinking about everything, then decide it's time to go to bed.


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