Chapter 31

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3rd person view

"I would like to change my last name," Venice says to the lady behind the desk.

"Alright dear," she says and hands over a paper. "Write what your name is here, and what you'd like it to be here. Then I'll need to see two forms of ID and after you've filled in all the info, I'll need a parent or guardian's signature if you're under 18."

"Okay," Venice nods. "When do you close? Because tomorrow I'm leaving with my adoptive father to London and I won't be back for a while and I want to get it done as a surprise for him."

"We close at 5," she responds. "After you turn in the paper and it gets processed, then that's it."

"Awesome!" Venice says with a smile. "I'll be back."

She turns and grabs Josh's hand, pulling him out of the building. They walk a few blocks to the hotel, and stop at a tattoo parlor along the way. When they go inside, Josh talks to the man about getting a tattoo while Venice fills out the form. By the time Josh has started, she's filled out everything except Liam's signature. She sticks the paper in her purse then leans against the counter, watching the artist work on Josh's arm.

"Would you like something?" a big guy says, coming over and standing at the counter.

Venice looks over at him, thinking about what this really entails. "Yes."

"Alright," the guy smiles. "Do you know what you want? or do you want to have a look around?"

"I know," Venice smiles and nods. She's got the perfect idea for a tattoo, and hopefully everyone will like it.


The lads are just finishing a movie when there is a loud and continuous knock on the door. Harry gets up and answers it, barely getting the door open before Venice comes barreling in, Josh right behind her with a sly grin.

"Liam, I need your autograph," she calls out, the form already in her hand.

"What?" Liam asks, slightly sleepy from the film.

"I need your autograph," Venice whines, shoving the paper and pen in his face. "Please dad."

"But why?" Liam is still groggy but sits up and signs at the X, not even looking over the paper.

"Because I said," Venice snatches the paper from his hand and marches out of the room. Josh winks at them before following her out the door.

"That was weird," Zayn mumbles, leaning forward to look after them.

"What was?" Liam asks, already falling back asleep.

"Nothing Li," Zayn chuckles, reaching over and patting his hip. "Go back to sleep."

"I'll text Vee," Louis mumbles, pulling out his phone. There is a couple minute silence before a quiet knock sounds on the door.

"Gosh," Harry huffs, jumping off the bed and answering it. Venice tip toes back in with Josh, and goes to Liam's suitcase.

"I need my birth certificate," she whispers yells. "Do you know where it is?"

"Why do you need it love?" Louis asks in confusion.

"I think Sophia took it to London," Zayn responds as well.

"Damn," she hisses, looking around Liam's bag. "I need two forms of identification."

"Babe, what's happening?" Louis asks, getting more concerned.

"Do you think my school card will work?" Venice asks looking up at Josh. "I don't have a license."

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