Chapter 21

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Venice POV

"But my OTP is definitely Narry," I continue my ramble, pealing the wrapping off my muffin. "You are goals."

I break off a piece of the muffin and stuff it in my mouth as my phone rings. I look around the room curiously, everyone in my phone is in here, minus mom. I pull it out and see a New York number, chugging the rest of Calum's OJ and swallowing my food I answer.


"Vee?" a strong Texas drawl comes through the other line.

"Thomas!" I shriek, standing up quickly. My pants come down a bit and I grab them before something happens. "Calum let go of me you're pulling down my pants."

I twist out of his arms and grab my muffin before skipping out of the room and into the hall.

"Vee I miss you," Thomas says and I giggle.

"Thomas I miss you," I sigh. "How is your new house?"

I listen intently as he goes on about his new life. I get to my room and jump around my room, on the bed and standing on the furniture while Thomas and I share stories.

"I have to go Vee," he says as a holler sounds in the background.

"Okay," I sigh. "Text me."

"Bye," we hang up and I fall back on the bed. Sighing I look at the clock and decide I should probably get ready for the day. I strip of my earlier clothes and hat, thankfully I don't have a crease.

Remaining undressed, I turn on music from my phone and sing along to One Direction while putting on my new outfit. A white t-shirt, black jeggings and a red plaid shirt tied around my waist. I look around for my Timberlands but I can't find them. Sighing, I grab my phone and room key and make my way to Liam's room. The door opens after a minute and I see all the lads in there. Pushing past Zayn, I walk in and begin looking around the room.

"Dad, have you seen my Timberlands?" I ask, looking around his shoes. I spot his Timberlands which are humongous. "Oh my fuck you have enormous feet."

"Venice don't swear, it's unbecoming," he scolds and I chuckle, rolling my eyes at him. "And why would I know where your shoes are? I didn't wear them."

"Feisty," I smirk at him. Niall giggles to the side of me and I turn and wink at him, Liam sighs hugely.

"What am I going to do with you?" he shakes his head and I giggle. "How's Thomas?"

"Oh Thomas," I sigh happily. "He's good. He now lives in the Upper East Side and is going to a private school, which is really good cause now he won't get bullied. At least he won't get bullied as much. He said his new mom is really nice, their kind of old though. All their children are grown and they didn't like the empty house, but he sounded really happy."

"Well that's good than," Liam nods and I do as well. We stare at each other for a moment then he speaks up. "Baby I don't know where your shoes are."

"You want me to leave? Fine," I huff, standing up straight, my sock covered feet, padding on the floor. "I don't need any of your raunchy attitude anyway."

"Venice," he sighs, but my phone ringing interrupts his words. I answer it while opening the door, looking at the name and smirking.

"Hi mom," I say loudly so he can here and slam the door shut behind me.

Zayn POV

"What is her problem today?" Liam huffs.

"She's 16," I answer, keeping my gaze on my phone.

"We know," Louis snaps, standing and exiting the room.

"What's his problem?" Liam asks again.

"Nothing," Niall stops his train of thought. I look at him and he smirks, then looks at Harry. Harry has a scowl on his face, he stands abruptly and leaves as quick as Louis did.

"What about him?" Liam asks, looking around the room in confusion.

"Nothing you need to worry about love," I say in a calm voice. My phone dings in my hand and I click on the new message from Harry.

I need to talk to you.

I look up at Niall and find him already looking at me. Walking over, I show him the message and he smirks then takes my phone, typing a message on it.

Tell me everything!

I smile up at him and nod then turn to Liam. "Mate I gotta help Harry with something, I'll catch ya later."

"Bye Zayn," he says, looking at his phone. Niall jumps on the bed next to him and starts chatting away as I leave. I walk down the hall and knock on Harry's door.

"Harreh mate it's me," I say loud enough he can hear me. The door opens and he grabs my arm pulling me in. "Mate chill out, what's happened?"

"I kissed Venice," he tells and my heart stops.

Louis POV

I just want to love her and show her how amazing she is. Is that too much to ask? Apparently it is!

Pulling out my phone I shoot her a text

To Venice// What are you doing? I need a cuddle.

From Venice// Talkin to Sophia, but you can come over if you wanna ;)

Smirking, I stand up from the bed and peek my head out the door. Not seeing anyone, I leave the room and knock softly on Venice' door. She answers immediately with a warm smile and stands back to let me in. I enter the room and take a seat on the bed, listening to her side of the conversation.

"Venice Marie Gray." ... "I dunno, not right now. It doesn't seem right." ... "Maybe when you two get married." ... "Hehe, he misses you. He's really been feisty today." ... "Alright. Well I gotta go. Bye mom."

She hangs up and jumps onto the bed next to me, snuggling up to my side. I wrap my arm around her and pull her close, slowly drifting off to sleep.


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