Chapter 45

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Its been a week and a half since dad left, and we have been having so much fun. Mum's taken me to museums, and galleries, and flee markets, and random awesome places in the city. We took tours of the city, and a tour of the Palace. We even went to Paris for a whole day!

We took a train from Kings Cross Station to get to Edinburgh. Mum said Edinburgh is pretty cool. There's a castle we can tour and little shopping places and a crazy hill we can hike. I'm pretty pumped.

I've never traveled by like a real train before. The tube is different. I've been taking so many pictures. You can see the whole country side from the train. The most country I've seen to was when we went to Wolverhampton. It looks so luscious and green. I would love if we could take another trip up here by car and see what we can find.

Its about 4 1/2 hours ride to Edinburgh, and the first thing I notice is fog. There's even more fog then in London, and I love it. The grey sky is my favorite.

The first day there we explore the city, do some shopping, and visit the castle. I even get an adorable raincoat. The raincoat was a good purchase because the second day, we hiked Arthur's Seat. Its a hill that from the top, you can see the whole city. With how foggy it is though, you get very wet.

After that we spent two days at the beach. I love the beach and sand and relaxing. The water was on the cold side, but I still had a great time. The final day, mum wanted to keep exploring, so we took a plane to Belfast Ireland.

There's tons of stuff to see here, we spent a whole day out on the town. After that, I went swimming at the hotel pool. Mum didn't want to. Now we are in for the night to rest and relax, and start a new day tomorrow.

"Mum can you come help me with the tub?" I call from the bathroom. We got a suite this time and it's way fancy, I have a bathroom in my room.

"Whats going on on the bed?" She calls before walking into the bathroom.

"I'm trying to decide who's shirt to wear," I confess with a bashful smile. She gives me a confused look and I giggle. "I have 3 of dad's shirts, 3 of Louis', one from Harry, one from Niall, and 2 of Zayn's. They haven't even noticed! Well, Zayn did, because he caught me trying to nick it."

She shakes her head at me and smiles before walking out. "What do you want to eat?"

"I dunno, like some Mac and Cheese, or Dinosaur chicken nuggets, or a nice peach cobbler," I call out, dipping a finger in the bath to test the water. "I'm gonna eat in the tub!"

I hear a sigh and giggle, sitting on the edge with my feet in the water as the tub fills up. I'm going to bathe in my swimsuit today. "Hey mum! Thanks."

"For what baby?" She asks in a soft voice, but I can still hear her over the sound of the running water.

"Everything. For letting me basically live in the pool for 2 weeks," I giggle. "For this trip. I'm having a lot of fun! I'm glad we could spend some time together, just us."

"Me too baby," she calls back.

Smiling to myself, I turn off the tub and slip in, relaxing into the hot water. "Mum?"

"Are you in the tub with the door open?" She calls and then answers my question. "What baby?"

"Yes, but I have my swimsuit on," I answer with a smile. "Our life's always going to be like this, isn't it? Ya know with dad gone, and the boys gone and us just on our own?"

"Yeah baby, for a while at least," she answers softly. "Why?"

"I love it!" I giggle. "I have a family! It doesn't matter if dad is here or gone, or mad at me; I know he'll come back, and I can talk to him any time I want! Maybe he'll bring me a present!"

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