Chapter 43

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Venice POV

I tried so hard to fall back asleep, but I couldn't. Now its 8 in the morning, and I know Liam's going to knock on that door any second. I'm not tired, but I know this is going to catch up to me later. Maybe if its slow I can take a nap. First things first, I need to get Louis out of here.

Since I was up half the night, I'm showered and fully dressed for the day, so I walk to his side and wake him gently. "Louis."

He huffs a loud breath and turns onto his back. "Morning love."

"Morning babe," I smile down at him. "You have to get up and get dressed. Liam could come here any minute."

He groans and stretches, then slowly sits up. I laugh to myself and sit on a chair, watching as he heavily moves his limbs, his eyes closed most of the time he's getting dressed.

While he put on his shoes, I stuff my wallet and phone in a little purse with a chain string that Sophia got me. When I look up Louis is leaning against the wall by the door and watching me with a smirk.

"What?" I walk to the door and grab the handle.

"You're beautiful," he says with a smile.

"Thanks," I look through the peephole to hide my blush. It looks clear so I open the door and peek my head out, checking down both ways before I step out completely.

Suddenly a door down the hall opens and I quickly pull mine shut, my heart pounding when I see my dad. If I know anything about him, it's that he's a creature of habit and its breakfast time.

"Hello love, I was just coming to get you," he smiles, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and squeezing. "What are you doing?"

"Came to find you," I smile up at him innocently.

"Are you hungry?" He asks softly, directing me to his room.

"Yeah," I nod as we stop at his door. He opens it and I glance down the hall at mine one last time before stepping inside.

"Morning beautiful," mum calls from the balcony where she is drinking some tea. I toss my purse on the couch and wander out to sit with her. "How did you sleep baby?"

"Eh," I shrug, pouring myself some coffee. "Not the best. I woke up at 4 and couldn't fall back asleep. Can I stay in here tonight?"

"Of course," she cups my cheek, looking at me with concern before placing her hand on my forehead to check my temperature. "Did you have a bad dream?"

I shake my head, the sound of my phone chiming an incoming text catches my ears as Liam walks over and kisses the top of my head. I smile to myself as he sits next to me and they both stare at me with loving, slightly concerned expressions.

"Do you have plans today?" Liam asks softly while Sophia brushes her hands over my hair. I shake my head no, biting my lip to keep from giggling. They're silly sometimes. "Maybe we should go out? See some sights or visit the beach? I know a great pub we could probably get into that has brilliant sandwiches."

"Have you ever had a Monty Cristo?" Sophia asks, leaning forward with her arms on the table, her eyes lighting up with excitement. I shake my head, and she gets more excited. "Its like a ham and cheese sandwich, where the bread is French toast."

"A grilled ham and cheese with french toast?" I repeat, looking at her with wide eyes. "That sounds amazing!"

"We'll do that then," Liam smiles.

"Did you go to the beach a lot in New York?" Sophia asks in a soft voice as I take a sip of my black coffee.

"Once when I was smaller," I answer, smiling to myself as I recall the memory. "Just a few months after Thomas got there. There was less kids back then."

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