Chapter 35

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As soon as we're in the car, I pull out my phone and shoot Louis a text, telling him I've landed and that I miss him. I shove my phone back in my purse as Liam starts to drive away from the airport. 

"Are you excited love?" He asks cutely. 

"Fuck yeah!" I voice loudly, earning a glare from him. "I can't wait to see Sophia! I miss her."

"She misses you," he smiles.

"Can I take a nap when we get home though?" I ask, looking at him with puppy eyes

"The best way to avoid jet lag is to go to bed and wake up at the proper times," he states poetically. "But I don't see why a small nap would hurt. After you get all your things put away and your wash downstairs."

I giggle and look out the window. Everything is so different here. It's absolutely lovely. I look at everything in awe, just wanting to start explore it. 

"Can I go exploring later?" I ask hopefully, looking at him with puppy eyes. 

"Sure, I'd love to take you out," he smiles, his eyes crinkling at the sides. 

"I would really like that," I say softly. "But do you think maybe I can go out on my own tonight?"

"You want to explore London by yourself?" he asks, glancing at me.

"Yeah," I respond happily. "That's the best way to know a city."

"Well, I guess that would be okay," he agrees slowly. "As long as you're home by dark, and keep your phone on you."

"I will," I bite my lip to stop from smiling so hard. "Besides, this will give you and Sophia some time alone."

He gives me a playful glare, which makes me giggle, and looks back at the road. "I can get someone to drive you around."

"Oh no," I giggle again. "I'll take the bus and the subway. I from New York, I think I'll be fine."

"Alright," he sighs like it's a huge put out for him. "We'll get an Oyster Card hooked up to your phone so you can get on the tube and buses."

"What's that?" I ask curiously. "Like a metro pass?"

"Yeah," he smirks, glancing at me. I giggle and look out the window again. We're pulling up to a cute town house, where Liam parks in the garage. 

He turns off the car and the garage door closes. We sit in silence, my nerves suddenly on high, until Liam clears his throat and smiles at me. 

"Are you ready love?"

I gulp and open my mouth but nothing comes out, so I just nod. He gets out and I do as well, ignoring out bags and following him up to the house. I look around the place in awe, though we're only in the mud room. I follow Liam's actions and slip my shoes off then walk dazed into the kitchen. Before I can get a proper look around, I'm attacked in a bear hug by a taller woman. 

"Oh baby." I instantly recognize the voice as Sophia and wrap my arms tight around her. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you," I sniffle, burying my face in her neck. 

"I'll go get our bags," Liam says softly. 

Sophia and I remain hugging in the kitchen, long after Liam comes back into the house with the bags and carries them past us. Finally we pull away and I can see her face. I missed her so much. 

"You look lovely," she comments, looking me over. "I'm glad Liam's been feeding you properly."

"He's been a bit of a brat," I say cheekily and she giggles as Liam makes a noise of protest. 

Adopted by Sophiam ||l.tOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora