Chapter 14

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Venice POV

My first time flying was a success and I got to spend quality time with my new friend. The hotel in Boston is a lot nicer than the other one. I have my own room with a king size bed, I'm excited but also a bit nervous. I've never had my own room before. After getting settled in, I plop down on the bed with my laptop to finish my movie. Before I can even push play a knock sounds at my door.

"Hi," I offer a confused smile when I open the door and find Harry standing there.

"Hi," he flashes a goofy smile that makes me giggle. "I was wondering if you wanted to finish the movie with me."

I smile at his suggestion and pull the door open wide so he can walk in. "Of course."

We sit down comfortably in the middle of the bed, a safe distance way, with the laptop at our feet. Pushing my body up on my hands and knees, I bend forward and hit the space bar. I go up on my knees to sit back down but before I can Harry grabs my hips and pulls me down on his lap.

"Harry!" I slap his chest and squirm to get away. He chuckles and wraps his arms tightly around me, pulling me so my back is flush against his chest. He moves his right leg so it is between mine.

"This is the best way to cuddle," he defends himself, mischief in his voice.

"I'm not so sure that it is," I disagree. "But I'll let you show me why."

I shrink down and lay my head on his shoulder. We finish the movie contently, me giggling practically the whole time. Harry is fast asleep underneath me so I slid of his lap and shut my laptop, setting it on the desk. Blinds closed and lights off, I crawl on the bed next to him, laying my head on his chest. I wrap my arm around his waist and throw my leg over his, then I close my eyes.

Louis POV

Harry is missing. Not that I care. I'm angry with him at the moment, getting all cozy with Venice in the plane. How can she not see what he is doing? How can she not see what she is doing? She is making me insane.

"Let's eat," Niall suggests in a whine.

"Good idea," Zayn agrees grabbing his phone. "I'll call Venice and see if she wants to come."

"Ah I'll call Harreh," Niall voices. They both hold the phone up to their ears but pull away and look at them weird.

"She didn't answer."

"Neither did he."

"Well try again," I say a bit angrily. They both try several more times and nothing.

"Maybe they're asleep?" Niall shrugs, not at all worried.

"At the same time?" I retort. That's just absurd.

"Maybe they're together," he suggests. We all look at each other for what seems like five minutes before jumping up and sprinting to Venice's room. The lights are all off and there is no sound, so that's a good sign, note the sarcasm. "Someone fucking knock, don't just stand there."

"What are you guys doing?" We turn our heads and spot Liam a few doors down.

"We were going to see if Venice wanted to get some food," Zayn says in a calm voice. I'm glad he's talking because my voice would be loud and frantic. Liam cannot know if Harry is in there.

"Yeah grab her and we'll all go out," he answers happily and turns back into his room. Zayn sighs then pounds on the door. After the third try a groggy Venice opens the door, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"What the fuck do you bitches want?" She growls and Zayn chuckles.

"We came to see if you want to come eat with us," he answers calmly. At the mention of food she perks up, no longer sleepy.

"Hell yeah," she responds cheerfully, holding the door open wide. "Come in. You can wake up Harry, I have to pee."

We walk in as she enters the loo and shuts the door. Harry is laying on his back, his arm stretched out to the side. I walk over and shake him as hard as I can. He pushes me away groaning and Niall laughs.

"Get up before Liam comes in here," Zayn instructs and Harry sits up. "We're going to get food."

He nods sleepily and pulls on his shoes. Venice walks out, once she is done, and slides on her own shoes. "I'm ready bitches!"

"I don't wanna be a bitch," Niall pouts.

"You want a bitch?" Venice looks at him with wide eyes then gives a warm smile. "Ni-bug I'll be your bitch."

He starts laughing and she grabs her room key before hooking arms with him and walking out the door. Zayn pushes us out the door after them, laughing to himself. We get in the hall just in time to see Liam coming out of his room.

"Is Soph not coming?" Venice asks, cocking her head to the side. She looks so adorable I can't even.

"No," he shakes his head.

"Okay then. Will you hold this thanks," she hands him her room key then tugs on Niall's arm, dragging him down the hall. He slips it into his back pocket and follows them to the lift. When we get there Venice is trying to pull Niall to the stairwell.

"The stairs are healthier," she huffs, holding his hand tightly and letting him hold her weight.

"But I'm lazy," he retorts and she groans. "Plus we're up like 15 stories."

She rolls her eyes but doesn't stand up, just stares at him.

Niall POV

Venice is trying to pull me away from the wall but she barely weighs anything. I can feel her watching me but I just ignore her and push the lift button again. "How many push-ups can you do?"

"I dunno," I respond to her question. "How many can you do?"

"Like a hundred million," she sasses and I cock my eyebrow at her, silently laughing.

"Show me then," I urge with a smirk and she rolls her eyes.

"I can't right now, I don't have any energy," she retorts and Zayn snorts. "But I can do a back handspring, wanna see?"

She stands up straight without waiting for a response and moves into the hall. We all stand on the edge so we can see.

"Venice don't hurt yourself," Liam says with concern and she lines herself up backwards.

"I won't," she mumbles before looking back over her shoulder. She swings her arms down then back up and throws her body back in a handspring. She lands on her feet and springs up in a rebound, landing again and throwing her hands above her head in proper gymnastic stance.

"Ta-da!" She gives us a large smile.

"That was wonderful baby," Liam praises, giving her a warm smile as the lift door opens.


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