Chapter 23

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Louis POV

I'm so incredibly happy. It's been a while since I've felt this complete. The rehearsal goes well, Venice watches from the side which makes me happy and excited for the show. We get back to the hotel, Zayn, Niall, Venice and I are hanging out in mine and Zayn's room. Niall isn't at all suspicious of our cuddling, partly because Venice has gotten cuddly with everyone here.

"Let's watch a movie," Niall suggests and Venice agrees with a shout.

"Yay! Nothing scary."

"We're most definitely watching something scary," Zayn says, grabbing the remote and looking through the guide.

"No please," Venice whines and Zayn just laughs. She looks up at me with a pout then buries her face in my chest.

"Oh love," I coo, wrapping my arms around her small frame. She nuzzles farther into me and takes a breath.

"You smell good," she mumbles and I chuckle.

"Ooo pick that one!" Niall exclaims and I look at the screen to see Zayn has landed on Finding Nemo.

"I don't know," I smirk at them. "It might be too scary for Vee."

"Then that's the one we'll watch," Zayn declares cheerfully. Venice whimpers loudly and the beginning scene starts. After about 5 minutes, Venice realizes it's not a scary movie and looks at the screen excitedly.

"Eep!" She turns in my arms and looks at the screen excitedly. I chuckle as she wraps her arms around my waist and rests her head on my shoulder, tangling her legs with mine. I kiss the top of her head an turn my attention to the movie. I look over and see Zayn and Niall cuddled up like we are and smile at my mates. By the time a commercial comes on, Venice is so caught up in the movie she doesn't notice when her phone beeps about 5 times in a row.

"Are you going to get that?" I mumble in her ear.

"No," she glances up at me. "It's probably Thomas, and I don't really want to talk to him right now. Besides I'm hanging out with you and that would be rude. We're watching a movie."

"Oh, okay your highness," I tease and she giggles.

"So stop asking ridiculous questions," Venice commands in a English accent that makes me laugh.

"Yes your majesty," I answer.

"Much better," she says, turning her attention back to the telly. I roll my eyes and chuckle silently as her phone goes off several more times.

"Venice answer it or turn it off!" Zayn shouts.

"Calm your dick Malik!" Venice replies, rolling away from me slightly and grabbing her phone. I look away as she opens her phone then switches it to silent and throws it to the end of the bed. Niall is giggling continually from her words and she glances at him with a small smile. "Yeah Malik," Niall teases. "She's not even bothering you."

"Watch it Horan," Zayn grumbles turning his attention to the Telly. I laugh at his attitude and kiss Venice's head before turning my attention to the movie.

Liam POV

Where is everyone? I think to myself but don't make an effort to actually get up and look. I'm pretty sure Venice is still cranky with me from this morning. Sighing, I shake my head and glance at my phone before looking back to the UFC fight I have playing on the telly. Suddenly my phone rings in my hand, giving me a fright. I smile when I see Sophia's name and picture and slide the button over.

"Hello love," I say in a seductive voice and she snorts. "Rude."

"Oh babe, you know I love you," she giggles and my heart melts.

"I thought you would be asleep by now," I say glancing at the clock and doing the math in my head.

"Probably but I can't sleep and I haven't work in the morning so I thought I'd chat you up," she says and I chuckle. "Venice called me earlier."

"Oh yeah?" I ask, taking a drink of my water. "What did she say?"

"That you were being a brat and that you're really feisty today," Sophia answers cheekily and I laugh.

"I was not!" I defend myself and she laughs. Once she is done she sighs and we sit in a comfortable silence. I hear her hum like she want to tell me something but she doesn't and I don't urge her.

"How is everyone getting along with her?" She asks after a minute.

"Fairly well I think," I tell her about breakfast this morning and how close she has gotten with the lads of 5sos.

"That's good," Sophia says softly.

Niall POV

Louis and Venice are being way to cuddly. Not like way to cuddly but more than she usually is. Or maybe she is like this with everyone and we've just never had out own cuddle. She's cuddled with everyone except me! How rude! I will not stand for this! After the show, she and I are having a proper cuddle. Huffing, I pull out my phone and quickly shoot her a text.

To Venice// Why have you cuddled with everyone except me??!?!? I demand a cuddle after the show.

I don't expect her to answer because her phone is at the bottom of the bed so I shove mine back into my pocket and curled up into Zayn's side.

Soon the movie is over and Venice leaves to get ready. I do the same, deciding to head to my own room I share with Harry. Walking in quietly, I see Harry curled up on the bed. Smiling to myself, I slip off my shoes and curl up behind him, wrapping my arm and leg around him cause I know he likes to be the little spoon.


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