chapter 1, Mrs Winderwall

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I had been going to the Durmstrang school, up north, for four years and got the news to move to England right in the beginning of summerbreak. My foster parents could no longer take care of me. They were of course muggles and going to a school where no muggles were alowed was a bit hard when living with two.

I did like my foster parents but they were not my real parents and even though I had never met my real parents before I missed them. I had been sent to five different foster homes before the age of fifteen. And now came the news that I was moving again. I wish I could just get to a family that understood magic. The family I lived with when I got a letter from Durmstrang was almost going nuts. They had never heard of wizards before and I had to move. The ministry of magic in Norway did their best to try and find a wizarding family for me. But nobody wanted me so I had to do my best and not make my muggle families suspicious.

Now the ministry of magic in London had contacted me and they had found a family for me. I had to leave for a new country and a new school. I was going to Hogwarts. A few of the Durmstrang students had visited the school this year during the Triwizard Tournament it seemed to be alright and most of the people who went there loved it. I didn't have so many friends at Durmstrang and to be honest it was not really the most friendliest school. So hopefully Hogwarts would be a better school.

I had said goodbye to my family and followed one of the ministers to the airport.

"Miss Radcliff. I have told the minister Fudge to pick you up at the airport and he will help you to your new family and get you ready for school. We wish you all the best and really hope that this will be your last move. You have had enough struggle my friend." Mr Redbridge shock my shoulder and gave me a smile before he left me to walk on to the plane.

I was all alone and knew nobody. But that was usually how it used to be in school. I took out the letter I had got from Hogwarts.

Fifth year and I had to go through the sorting. Since I was starting my fifth year and had never got sorted I had to do it infront of the other classes like the firstyears.

I had got to know a few things about Hogwarts from reading. It was four different houses, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. All these houses fighted for the housecup. What I heard Hufflepuff was the houses you didn't wanna be in. It was the house where not so many great wizards had come from. They never turned out to something big.
Gryffindor was the brave ones, Ravenclaw the smart ones and Slytherin the rich ones. Everyone from Durmstrang talked about Slytherin as the house for all the greatest wizards. From what I heard from my reading, it was for all the purebloods and the ones with rich parents. I had no idea what house I would end up in. But that wouldn't matter I thought. I was just gonna stay there three years.

The flight was short and the flight attendant kept on asking me if everything was alright. I kept on telling her that I was okay and that I wasn't hungry. But she kept on asking.

The flight finally landed and I met mr Fudge right after my arrival.

"Miss Adeline Radcliff. I'm the minister. I am so glad to know that the ministry can help you. Hope the traveling went alright. It's not very usual that we use the muggle transports."
Fudge had a man with him who helped me with the bags out to a car that was parked outside the airport.

"We have got contact from a lady who wanted to be a foster parent. Her name is Eliza and she lives on number eleven Magdalen Crecent." Mr Fudge kept on talking but I only looked out the window. I was tired and didn't feel like talking to someone now.

The car stoped later on and Fudge followed me to the door. It was a big house in the suburbs. A small sign next to the window said. "Welcome to 11 Magdalen Crescent". Fudge knocked on the door and after a few seconds opened a middleaged lady the door. She had blonde curly hair and green eyes.

"Cornelius! So nice to see you. I have been waiting."said the lady with a friendly voice. She looked at me and for a short second it felt like I had seen her before. But that was impossible. I had been living in Norway for seven years. The lady looked at me and smiled before she let me in. It was a bit creepy but she seemed nice and friendly.

"It's so nice of you to do this, Eliza." Fudge says. "She's been living wih Muggles for almost her entire life." Fudge say and they both look at me. The man had carried in my luggage and I was examining her house. It was dark brown walls and a small stair up to a second floor. On the walls were pictures of different animals hanging. She had a small picture of a young girl and herself. The young girl had long brown hair and green eyes. Something made me feel warm looking at her.

"Adeline?" Fudge say and I walk into the livingroom where Fudge and Eliza was standing.
"I have talked to mrs Winderwall and she have all the information she needs. You will start your first year at Hogwarts on september first. Don't miss the train. I will keep in touch and make sure you are alright. Untill then. Take care." Fudge say and give me a smile before he walk out the house and drive away in the car.

Eliza Winderwall, as she was called, gave me a small smile and then walked into the kitchen which was just next to the livingroom. the livingroom had two armchairs and a large fireplace. Next to one of the armchairs was a big brown owl. It looked at me with it's big eyes and I turned around to look out the window towards the garden.

"I have made your room ready for you. It's on the second floor first to the right." Eliza say and I slowly walk into the kitchen.

"May I ask you a question Mrs Winderwall?" I say and stand in the door post. Eliza look up. "Of course." Se say and look at me. Her blonde curly hair hiding her green eyes. I took away one hairstring from my face. My hair was just like the opposite of hers, dark brown but I had big bouncy curls.

"You are a real witch. Are you?" I say and examine the house. It was different from all the muggle houses I had grown up in. Moving pictures hanging on the wall and the owl. I examined the dishes and noticed that Eliza wasn't washing them. They were washing themselves and Eliza was just drying them off before putting them in shelves.

"Yes, Adeline. I am. I have heard that you are used to living in a house with muggles. I hope you won't feel to bad with a change. I have always respected muggles but to be honest. They don't know how to have fun." Eliza smiled and I smiled too. She was nice.

"I will prepare you some dinner. You might be tired after the flight and I won't stop you if you want to rest." She said and I was about to walk away when she called.
"And Adeline. Please call me Eliza. I hope you will stay here for quite a while and I only feel old being called mrs Winderwall." Eliza say and we both laugh. "sure." I say and smile before walking up the stairs.

I walked into my room. It was enough big for me, a bed in one of the corners and a big window out to the street, A cupboard and a writingdesk.

I sat down on the bed and opened my luggage.

I took out my wand and books and put them on my bedside table. It felt so good to not hide my wand and books at a house anymore. I was living with a witch now. I could be myself.

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