C h a p t e r 4

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Lauren's POV

It's been a week since the lads came to my school. Since then I've been listening to them constantly and I've been earching for interviews on YouTube. I was a fan before, but something just happens when you see them live. All the songs suddenly mean so much more to you cause when you listen to the songs, all memories of that day come back to you and you're filled with joy. It's the best feeling in the world. The past week I have been in a bubble of my own, just listening to the lads. For the first time in a long time I've been happy. I honestly can't remember myself being this happy before, except for the moment I was in the crowd. The lads music has saved me many times. Whenever my family gets to me I always put the lads music on and suddenly I feel okay again, I feel relaxed and determined to keep going, they are the one thing I have left to live for. My friends are great too. I hang out a lot with them when I'm not working, but whenever I'm home I'm listening to The Script just forgetting everything for a while and remembering the good times.

'@thescript posted a tweet' Well thanks Twitter for finally notifying me of when the lads tweet. My Twitter has been fucked up lately. I haven't got any notifs when either Dan or the ladstweet, that has annoyed me a lot. I've missed 2 tweet sprees because of this. Now I can finally get notifications. I have no idea how it was suddenly fixed, but I don't really give a fuck as it's working again.

'We've loved having u all here for our tour, thank you #thescriptfamily 🌈🌹 we look forward to seeing u all next tour G.' Aww Glen is so sweet. I need to come up with a good reply for him, he probably won't see it, but never gonna know if you never even try right?

'@thescript @thescript_danny Thank you for coming to my school last week, had a blast! Now get rested and I'll see you next tour!.' I immediately got some favs and RTs to this. Well I just hope the lads see it! And no, I've not hear anything from Danny yet either. I've tweeted both his account and their joint account, but they haven't noticed me. They get a lot of tweets daily so I don't really expect them too, but it would still be amazing if they did.

'@thescript_danny followed you' I read my notif on Twitter and could not believe it. The lads have already faved and RT my tweet. My phone got so many notifs after that it started to heat up. I had to turn of Wi-Fi to cool it down before going on Twitter again. When I checked my notifs I saw that Danny had followed me, he also faved the tweet. Now I felt like I could walk on water or something, I felt alive.

Danny's POV

'Thanks for the follow @thescript_danny! I'm so happy right now!! You made my day a better one, thank you.' I went on Lauren's account to creep a bit. I must admit she was great, and when we met her she wasn't like a crazy obsessed fan. It's clear to see on her Twitter that she's here for the music, not for other reasons. Don't get me wrong, I love the fans, but some are a bit more obsessive than others. Some I do find creepy as well, but Lauren was truly different. She told us part of her story and that's when I knew we meant something to her other than just good looks and fame. These kinds of people don't come by that often. We have some fans like that too of course. Fans that come to us because they're hurt, lonely or just need someone to tell them everything's going to be okay. We loved helping people like that and it really gave us the feeling that we were doing something that had a big meaning to others that could really need our help. It gave us more motivation and inspiration for writing as well. Lauren didn't tell us her whole story though, only small parts of it. Of course we can't demand that she tells us everything or anything at all if she doesn't want to, but it was just something about her eyes and her look when she was talking to us. It didn't seem right. The more I think about this the more I want to get to know her and make sure she's okay for now. Would it be weird if I DMed her? Well I'll just do it anyways.

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