C h a p t e r 59

243 6 9

Danny's POV

'Wow, you look gorgeous.' I said in awe as Lauren opened the door to her apartment letting me inside. I was taking her out on a dinner to our usual restaurant in town. After that we were gonna meet the lads and some of her friends for drinks.

'You look handsome as well.' She replied pulling me down for a kiss on the cheek.

'Thanks. You ready to go?'

'Uhm yeah I think so. Let's just go. If I have forgotten something it's most likely not important anyways.' She said as I chuckled at her. She put on her shoes and coat and grabbed her wallet before taking my hand. We walked out of her apartment and down the stairs out to the streets.

'So how's your week been like?' I asked her as we had walked for a good 5 minutes already. We did originally have plans last weekend, but that didn't work out as planned. Then we were both busy this week so we hadn't spent that much time together really. Well me and Glen met up in the studio on tuesday I believe it was, and she stopped by with some slices of cake and some tea for us and we all hung out for about an hour before she had to leave. Other than that we just texted when we had the time.

'I've been busy with school. It's not that long until I got exams again so I need to read a lot. And we also got a new group project this week which we need to be finished with before next weekend. So basically I've just been studying and also talked to my parents and my friends back home in England. And you? You've just been at home?'

'Mostly yeah. And also I've spent time with the family.'

'Sounds good.' She said smiling at me. I agreed to that and opened the door to the restaurant for her as we were finally here. We were taken to our table by the usual waiter, the one that believed I was her father the first time we were here. We still laugh at that and request him as our waiter when we're here, it's hilarious.
We ordered some wine to start with and just some bread while we were deciding on what to eat.

'The steak is good here though.' I smirked at Lauren knowing she hated it.

'You're hilarious. Maybe I should order the lamb....' She said looking at me.

'Do you even eat lamb?'

'No I don't. It was just the most expensive thing on the menu and this time I'm even gonna let you pay without arguing so I can say on your good side....' She smirked. I chuckled and shook my head making her laugh as well.

'Ready to order?' The waiter asked coming to our table.

'Yeah I'll have the steak please.' I said.

'I'll take the salmon.' Lauren said as the waiter nodded and left our table to place the order.

'So how's yer parents?' I asked her. She looked at me opening and closing her mouth a few times before she spoke up.

'Well.... They're good. Mom's still working a bit freely as she used to before. And my dad still works a few weeks with some time off too. So they're good.'

'That's good. Maybe you should visit them sometime.' I suggested.

'Maybe. I was there during christmas though, and they're coming here around the time I finish school so it's really not necessary.'

'Laurs. They're yer parents. You should see them you know.' She sighed at me and just shook her head not wanting to answer me anymore.

'What's wrong Laurs?' I asked again trying to get her to talk. It was clear something was wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2016 ⏰

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