C h a p t e r 42

154 7 2

Lauren's POV

'Hiii!' I said giggling as he accepted the Skype call.

'Laurssss!!' Danny beamed as his face lit up my screen. It was Sunday and the lads didn't have any gigs today which meant they had the day off and since it was Sunday I had the day off too. That meant me and Danny could finally talk like normal again. Well maybe not just like normal. There was something kinda off about him. He seemed a bit lost, but he was smiling and he looked healthy so I brushed it off for now.

'So good to "see" you again.' I grinned.

'Miss ye...' He said sadly.

'I miss you too. You've only been gone for 4 weeks and there's still 4 more weeks to go until I see you again.'

'Way too long...I need to see you before that.'

'We always have Skype though. It's definitely not enough but it's the only way right now.' I said sighing. As mentioned Danny had been gone for 4 weeks. It had been really hard for the both of us. The lads had been in Africa to do gigs and a show in Australia too, but mostly in the UK. The time difference was tough on us, but so far we've made it. I'm not gonna lie, I feel like we're falling apart even more than the last time.

'Yeah that's true. I just wish we could have some time together, I feel like we need it.' Danny stated. I totally agreed with him.

'I know... I wish I could see you sooner. I really miss you.'

'Yeah...' He said looking nervously down at his hands making the silence awkward for some moments before he looked up at the screen again, or barely at the screen. He looked around the room even more and I was getting a bit worried.

'Something wrong?' I asked his as I saw him getting unfocused.

'Honestly, yeah it is.'

'Wanna tell me?'

'Not right now. There's just some stuff I need to figure out first.' He said smiling. I nodded and smiled at him. I was afraid that I was starting to lose him at this point. He had been a bit distant these past 2 weeks. The first 2 weeks were okay I guess. Just okay cause he was gone and not here in Dublin...We had made an agreement just before he left as our relationship wasn't really that good. The first 2 weeks we both tried really hard to make it work and it went perfectly, it was good. Then he started trying less and I kept trying harder. It's still like that. I'm really trying to make it work like this and he keeps pushing away. Of course we both miss each other and love each other, but somehow I feel like I'm losing him more and more.

Danny's POV

Something didn't really feel right about me and Lauren at the moment. She had probably picked up on that by now, but we haven't discussed it yet. Mostly cause I said I wanted to think about it all first before saying something. Also I would probably wait until I came home as its better to actually say it face to face and not face to screen.

'So what have ye been up to so far when I've been gone?' I asked her trying to change the subject.

'Well not much really. I've been at school, I have some major tests soon that I really need to study hard for. And my parents have been to visit me, I think I told you when they were here but I can't really remember. Oh, and I've been hanging out with Susana and Jules a lot, Kate and Elise a bit as well but not that much.'

'Yeah I remember the thing about yer parents. Nice of them to come visit, you must miss then. Ye haven't seen them since yer birthday this summer.'

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