C h a p t e r 21

320 12 4

Danny's POV

'How you doing mate?' Mark asked while I was standing in the little kitchen department in our studio making a cup of tea.

'Doing alright, why?'

'Nothing, just wondering. How are things with Laurs?'

'They're good. Only been a few days and there's this distance thing, but other than that it's really good. I miss her a lot.'

'Of course you do Danny boy. You're in love!' Mark beamed. I shook my head at him and tried to ignore the comment, instead I felt my face burning up as I looked down at my feet...Honestly, I don't know if I'm in love or not yet. It's so different from the other times, but it's really strong. I smile each time I think about her and well, I might blush a little as well. Each time we don't talk I always look forward to hearing her voice again. Maybe I was in love with her already...

'Aww Danny's blushing!' Glen came in teasing.

'Guys seriously. Can we just finish our break and get back to writing?' I asked.

'Too embarrassed to talk lover boy?' Mark teased.

'Fucks sake guys, there isn't that much to talk about, seriously.' I growled as I was beginning to be a bit embarrassed and annoyed to be honest.

'Dan, if there's ever a problem ye can talk to us.' Glen said. Mark started laughing and high fived Glen.

'For one moment, can we just have no dirty thoughts?' I gave them both a glare.

'Ah Sorry Dan, this is just way too funny. What do you wanna talk about?' Glen asked.

'The new album. We've just finished touring and we're in the middle of writing and recording process. But we have to start planning promo and all that stuff soon. So what do you think we should do?'

'Yeah yer right Dan. I think we need to book stuff really soon if we're gonna do something this summer and then release the album in the autumn.' Glen and I both looked at each other, Mark was still thinking silently.

'What if we book a few shows in the US, UK and Europe from about July ish just to let people know we're back and it will awake their interest in our music?' Mark said carefully still thinking about his idea.

'And then we release the album and go back on the road from the day we release?' I said. This sounded like a really good plan. We did something just like this with our last album and it worked out really well.

'Yeah this sounds good. So we should let Quinner know and then we can start booking shows and stuff this week and the next?' Glen said.

'Yeah let's do that. Now, shall we go write some more?' I said getting up and walking over to the instruments.

'Great idea, let's bring the tea as well.' Glen said. That man lived on tea. If there was no tea he could not write anything, he is not a functional person without it. Neither are Mark and I to be honest.

We had been in the studio writing for 6 hours by now. It was 11 at night. We decided to go to a bar to celebrate that we had written almost 2 complete songs today, all we needed was to add some drums to them and they were done! This was definitely a time for celebration. We locked up the studio and headed to the nearest bar. We sat down and Mark and I ordered a pint of Guinness to start with, Glen had a coke. Suddenly one pint had become 3 and before we knew it we had a plate full of shots in front of us. Needless to say, Mark and I were pretty drunk. Glen helped both of us get in a taxi and we drove off. First, Glen went out of the taxi and helped Mark home to his wife before coming back to help me get in my apartment. Glen was such a nice friend. He would always be there to help us with whatever he could. When we were all together we were a great group. Mark the funny one, Glen the wise and kind one, and then there's me. The loud and drunk one.

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