Chapter 46

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I'm ending this book very soon. Pay close attention to this chapter, Olivia finally opens up about stuff that August and Kelsey don't even know about her.

Olivia POV

"We made a lot of progress last week Olivia. That's one of the best first sessions I've ever had with a client."

"Thank you" I smiled.

"This week, I want to focus on finding out how this anxiety formed, and what caused it."

I nodded, taking a deep breath.

"I'm going to be asking you a series of questions that deal with your past, and any possible traumatic events.You can take your time when answering these questions, some will dig deep. I understand if you choose not to answer some"

I nodded, playing with my hands.

"Okay, tell me about your childhood"

"Well, growing up in Manhattan is never easy. I was exposed to violence at a young age, but I always avoided it. My dad and grandmother took very good care of me and my sister."

She nodded, taking notes on her clipboard.

"Tell me more about your relationship with your father."

I cleared my throat and mentally prepared myself for this. Speaking about him out loud was always hard for me.

"Well, me and my father were always close. He would take me shopping, and on movie dates." I laughed a little, thinking of the good times. "He always believed in me, he told me I could be and do anything that I put my mind to."

Ms. Riley smiled.

"I noticed you are using past tense. Is it safe to say that your father no longer here?"

I nodded as a tear fell before I got a chance to hold it back.

"When and how, if you don't mind me asking."

I took a minute to breathe.

"About 2 years ago. I was 19 and he had horrible lung cancer that eventually took over his whole body. I hated seeing him like that, but somehow he always managed to make the best of the ending of his life."

"How did his death affect you?"

"The first week I didn't eat or speak. I felt numb all the time."

"Okay, I think we may have found something."

"Found what?" I asked.

"You were mourning and felt pain from your father, so you decided to shut down and not eat or speak, which gave you some sort of comfort."

I guess she was right, but this was very awkward to talk about.

"Tell me about your relationship with your sister."

I took a deep breath, not really wanting to get into it.

"Ummm, growing up and being the oldest could be very stressful with her. She never listened to me, and she always gave me a hard time."

"Was there a mother figure in your life?"

"Besides my grandmother, no. My dad never spoke of my mother, so I never really asked. My grandma does mention her at times, as if she wanted to be with us."


"Well, whenever we had birthday parties, or celebrated achievements, she'd say how proud our mother was of us, she said it as if she still speaks with my mother."

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