Chapter 21 - Your Arrogance Never Fails To Prove Its Loyalty

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Chapter 21 - Your Arrogance Never Fails To Prove Its Loyalty

I placed Hunter's plate in the sink after he had finished eating.

I was still wondering where he plans on staying tonight. It had been bugging me this entire time and as much as I tried to forget about it, I couldn't.

"I'll drop you home."

Hunter froze in the midst of putting on his jacket. His eyes widened at my mother's statement and even I grew tense, knowing that Hunter didn't want to go home.

"I'll drop him, mom." I offered, stepping forward.

It was useless because I knew my mother wouldn't let two teenagers out this late at night so it didn't surprise me when she firmly shook her head.

"I don't want you out this late at night." She stole the words straight from my mind.

Hunter turned to look at me, giving me a helpless look.

'Tell her' I mouthed.

He shook his head.


From the corner of my eyes I saw Hunter inhale sharply.

This has to sound as unsuspicious as possible.

"Hunter doesn't have anywhere to stay."

Yup, best possible way to word it. Great job Alyssa.

Hunter seemed to think otherwise because he ran a hand through his hair as soon as the words left my mouth.

Looking at my mother's confused face as she looked between Hunter and I, I knew for a given fact that she was planning on scolding me for not offering Hunter to stay here.

Both guest rooms are on either side of my room which means that he would have to sleep right next to my room.

"Do you... want to stay here?" I asked unsurely, not knowing what else to say.

"No, it's fine. I'll stay at a friend's house."

I glanced at my mother and she looked convinced, however I wasn't buying any of it.

"I'll walk you out."

As soon as we got outside, Hunter tried to walk away immediately but I grabbed onto the collar of his jacket from behind and yanked him back.

"You're not going anywhere until you give me the name and address of the so called 'friend's' house that you are staying at."

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