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Part 1


"Augustttttt!" I heard Rai yell followed by the slammin' of the front door. I got up off the bed and made my way down to her.

"Wassup, why you doin' all that yellin' fa? I asked lookin' down at her over the banister.

"Somebody flattened my tires. All four of them have slashes in them." I walked back in the room and slipped on my slides so I could go see what she was talkin' about.

Once we made it outside I saw the slashes in her tires before I even approached her car. Things have been weird as fuck 'round hea' since she done got them text messages, that ain't even stopped yet. Whoever this muhfucka is, is bold as fuck.

"You gotta be fuckin' kidding me!" She yelled draggin' her hands down her face. I walked over to her to see what she was lookin' at and seen her car scratched up. I heard her sniffin' so I turned around and lil baybeh was cryin' and not no lil tears but full blown cryin'.

"Man Rai don't even worry 'bout this shit I'a get it fixed or I'a jus' get you anotha one. I said bringin' her closer to me and wrappin' my arms around her.

"Its not even about the damages to the car August. I'm just upset that somebody would even do this shit. Like who the fuck did I piss off so bad for them to do this?" She mumbled into my bare chest.

"Ion know baybeh, but I'm 'bout to get ta the bottom of this now, come on in the house. Its cold and I ain't got no shirt on." I grabbed her hand and brought her in the house.

She sat on the couch poutin' while I went back to my office to called Tony. He said he had got caught up in some mess so he had to postpone gettin' me the information I needed and havin' somebody come set up these cameras. And that was a few weeks ago. He was supposed to have gotten back to me when he was free but I ain't got no more time to wait, these threats Rai been gettin' was startin' to get serious, wit' action behind them.

"What's up Yung?" He greeted answerin' the phone.

"Aye Tone ima need that info na, and them camera set up asap."

"I was gone call you later about that since I'm back in town, but since you called I can go ahead and tell you what I got, and ima send the crew as soon as we get off the phone."

"Aight coo', so did you find out the person behind them text."

"Yeah from the private number we weren't able to retrieve anything because the messages were sent through a texting app," he explained.

"Fuck man," I sighed into the phone.

"But," he continued. "After I dug deeper I was able to get the email account that's linked to the app the person used to get the phone number."

"Aight who is it?" I inquired.

"Some chick named Natalie Bell." I furrowed my eyebrows cause I ain't know nobody named no Natalie Bell.

"Was you able to get any mo' info on her. 'Cause shawty name don't sound familiar."

"Nah man, I plugged that email into a lot of places and came up with nothing. But I did search her name and it's a lot of Natalie Bell's in the Atlanta area and we ain't got enough background info to narrow it down to one specific chick." He explained.

"Aight man I 'preciate it." I sighed.

"No problem, ima send my crew by yo way soon so they should be there in the next hour or so."

"Aight." I responded befoe hangin' up. I sat back in my hair playin' wit' my chin hair tryna think of who the fuck this Natalie bitch is and why she threatenin' my girlfriend, and while she pregnant at that.

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