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Of course I was sorted into Slytherin. There wasn't ever any doubt . Most pureblood families had all or nearly all the branches of their family trees bedecked in green and silver.

I hadn't considered another house. There was a lot in life Id never considered.

When you're spoon fed high minded ideals , deeply held beliefs from birth - you don't question it.

That's why they do it, push the pure blood agenda so hard, make it second nature to your mind so that you hold it sacrosanct and never dare question.

So Slytherin I was and crusader for the pure blood agenda I would become.

You likely have the wrong idea of Slytherin. We aren't all sitting in our common room plotting world domination.

We are just portrayed that way. Starting with living in the dungeons. What imagery does that immediately give you?

Our common room wasn't a den of darkness and scheming. Not all the time. Of course we schemed. We were Slytherin.

But just like any other common room we sat doing our work, cursing the names of the most demanding professors. Laughing with friends, glaring at enemies, wrapped in the arms of young love .

We were students like all the rest. Except most of us carried on our backs the weight of expectation from our families. To carry pure blood tradition, to give our lives over to it and sacrifice whatever we were told to in order to populate the Wizarding World with the "elite"

Maybe that's why Slytherins are so close. We are all bonded by the knowledge that this time sat in the dungeons is the only time we get to be ourselves. To make our own decisions. Love whom we choose.

After Hogwarts, that's when they strip it all away.

You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.
You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!

South Pacific - Youve Got To Be Carefully Taught

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