Ruby Red

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Ruby Red

My holiday dress.

My body hugging, low cut , sparkling holiday dress with large swaths of see through fabric.

Also- my lips. My full pouty lips.

I stepped out of the bathroom my hair twisted up elegantly , curls sexily topping my head , lips red, eyes dark and dressed to kill.

Rodolphus turned when he heard the clack of my stilettos on the floor.

"I see we are continuing the time honoured tradition of making your mother scream about your formal wear choices" he said with a wry smile on his face as he fastened his diamond cuff link, his bow tie loose around his neck. "Tie me up, baby?" He asked as he walked to me.

"Oh haven't got time for that now Roddy, maybe when we get home ?" I said , a smile playing On my lips .

"Dammit Trix " he moaned as his lips met mine. I could always make him crazy with how I twisted words for fun.

"Oh you meant your bow tie ?" I asked playing innocent as I pulled from his kiss, worried the ferocity of it would smudge my perfectly rubied pout despite the staying spell I put on it. Lucius loved my red lips. They had to stay reddened.

I pressed against him as I "tied him up" . "You can do this with basic magic you know Rod?"

"Oh but I like the benefits of having you do it" he said, running a finger down my ridiculous cleavage.

"Of course " I smirked grabbing his hand before he managed to delve any further.

"Belle !" He whined .

"Haven't got time Rod. We are already running late" I always liked to be late to Mother's parties. Drove her mad . Plus it meant everyone was in place for her shrieking about my dress choice.

He leaned in and bit my neck hard enough to make me gasp. "Babe stop" I whispered , without any believability in my tone . I whimpered as his lips pulled at the delicate flesh of my neck. He pulled away and dried the area with his thumb. I jumped at the slight pain.

"A bruise! You left a suck mark on me ?! And my hairs pulled up"

He shrugged . "Your neck is beautiful Trix. You know I can't resist. " he leaned in admiring his handiwork. "Besides . It's red. Matches the Christmas theme. " He kissed over where he'd bruised me and then bit lightly at it.

"Merlin! Stop that! " I laughed as my nerves registered the sore spot being prodded.

"Sorry. I just wanted to make sure you look your best. Well loved and all. Druella will love that accessory. "

"Fine fine. You're so proud of your work, Ill leave my hair up. " I said rolling my eyes .

"That's my girl " he kissed my cheek. "Oh but first! " he pulled out a diamond necklace and turned me to face the full length mirror behind us before draping it around my neck. "An early Christmas gift for my beautiful wife" His face beamed with pride.

"Oh Rod , I love it. " I said as my fingers reached up above my collar bone to run across the diamonds laying against my skin. I smirked a bit and he noticed.

"What Trix? Do you not like it?"

I turned to him and grabbed him to me.

"No of course I do. It's stunning . " I placed a soft reassuring kiss on his lips. "It's just that now my neck is graced in beautiful diamonds and suck marks" I laughed. "It seems about right for us doesn't it? "

He ran a finger over the mark he left. "The diamonds do enhance my handiwork."

I rolled my eyes . "Come on you. People are standing bored at my Mother's party just waiting to be scandalised. We can't let them down. "

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