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Black shirt black shoes black soul
Don't say a word while we dance with the devil
Panic At the Disco


My shimmering New Years Eve dress.

Rodolphus and I were headed to his parents for their annual New Years party. His family and the Malfoys were on the outs over a business deal so I had no worries to be had.

It was nice to get ready for an event without trepidation or my stomach knotting.

Rodolphus came up behind me as I was examining myself in the mirror and finishing my hair and makeup charms. He brushed my hair aside kissing my neck softly. No marks this time.

"And how's my beautiful wife"

"Excellent and my handsome husband?"

"Always exceptional when you're by my side darling . Im not used to your hair so straight"
He whispered in my ear.

It was down and long and poker straight.

"I thought Id try something new for New Years."

"Hmm. Well it's sexy, but I do love your wild curls Belle. They're just - you"

I smiled . He did know how to charm me.

"And these ? " he said his hands at either side of my head holding large dangling diamond earrings that matched the diamond necklace he'd given me before my families Christmas party and the bracelet that he gave me on Christmas morning, among other things.

"Oh my muggles Rodolphus! Did you empty our vault this Christmas " he laughed and kissed by my ear placing the earrings in my hands.

"Don't be silly. There's little chance of that ever happening . You deserve the best "

I wanted to say "I have the best " but Merlin help me , as much as Id managed to fall for Rodolphus , Malfoy still had my heart . So instead :

"I don't Rodolphus. You deserve the best "

"And I already have it " he replied , as I should have , his arms wrapping around me tenderly .


"Im not , Roddy"

"Shh. You are " he whispered

I leaned back against him as he whispered sentiments I didn't deserve in sweet French into my ear. Moments like this I could forget our marriage was arranged and the one I truly loved was now to marry my sister.

Sometimes . Sometimes all I needed was Rodolphus.

"We've got to go now baby" he whispered as his hands ran down the smooth silk of my dress.

"But Roddy , J'ai besoin de toi " I purred.

"Mmm. Ma Belle. J'ai besoin de toi aussi. I Toujours besoin de toi aussi."

I laughed "Oublier Toujours Pur- Toujours Nècessaire"
(I told him i need him and he said he always needs me and I made a joke about changing our family motto from Always Pure to Always Needed)

He laughed and picked up my earrings I had dropped as he'd whispered in my ears- he knew how to make me weak.

"Earrings , Madamè Lèstrange." He said placing them in my hands .

"Merci Monsieur"

"Enough now. If we keep flirting in French we aren't going to make it out of this room."

"Je sais"

"Yes , you know and still you continue. Im not falling for it . "

"But ... It's our last chance to in this year-"

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