Prussian Blue

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Prussian Blue

The colour of His cloak that billowed about him as he stood at my door. Nearly black, and to the untrained eye, it may be taken as such. The cloak reflected the undertones of his jet black hair, the blue hue laced into the blackness of his locks.

"Severus." I said flatly.

"Bella" he said as he walked in past me.

"Oh do come in " I said as I rolled my eyes shutting the door. "And to what do I owe this great honour. You do know Rodolphus isn't here don't you?"

"Of course I do. Come, we need to talk" he said as he walked into my sitting room. Me following him as though I was the guest. "He's on a mission. For ....the Dark Lord. He, the dark Lord , thought it to be an opportune time for me to come speak with you. It seems... His efforts to recruit you  have been ... Fruitless"

I sat across from where he'd just sat himself.

"And he thinks you will have better luck?" I scoffed.

He glowered. "Bella. You underestimate him. He does not take 'no' for an answer."

"Well, there's a first time for everything " I responded smugly.

He crossed the room and leaned into my face.

"Foolish girl " he hissed. "He is intent on you serving him. You put yourself at risk and your husband or do you just not care about him like all the rumours swirling about suggest?"

I was amazed that the slow cadence of Severus Snape always disappeared amidst an impassioned insult laced speech.

We'd had enough fights in our years as friends and enemies that Id had occasion to notice the phenomenon before.

"Shut your damn mouth Severus" I spat angered at these so called rumours. I had good reason to be- I tried my best to be discrete, bought secrecy when need be. Were rumours swirling about I was in deep trouble.
"What are you even speaking of? " I rolled my eyes and accioed some fire whiskey and two tumblers.

"I assume... " he began, picking up his infuriatingly slow pace once more. "That you mean the rumours... Seeing as you don't care about your husband's well being"

I slammed the whiskey on the table beside me mid-pour.

"How dare you accuse me of not caring for him. I love my husband . Would you care to hear how much. Want to know how many times a day I love him?" I smiled a tauntingly seductive smile.

"Oh , just like you Bellatrix... To confuse love with sex"

"Oh Severus Snape. I've never been one to confuse sex and love . You for one should know that well."

"Shut UP Bella." Severus growled.

"What's the matter , Sevvy?" I said in a sing song voice as I ran a finger up his thigh. "Still want me don't you?" I whispered.

He grabbed my wrist painfully and stopped my hand in its tracks ripping it away from his body nearly making me lose my balance. I laughed knowing I still had some power over him.

"Stop. being .a child .Bella." he snarled. "He will hurt you ....hurt Rodolphus. "

I glared at him .

"It's not a threat Bellatrix, it's... A promise. He's never home is he... Rodolphus? Things aren't that ....busy. Other death eaters aren't gone that....often.... Only him. Only Rodolphus and don't think for a second that it's because he's so important to the Dark Lord... That his skills are somehow exceptional and in more demand. No Bellatrix... He's gone more as punishment.... Punishment for you. And the more he is gone , the more missions he is on.... The more missions he's assigned to , the greater the risk he is in. " He took a long drink of whiskey, effectively leaving me hanging. "Are you really so blasted stubborn that you're willing to risk your own husband's life just because you don't like to be told what to do? Because you like to flirt with the most powerful wizard on the planet right now. We all know how you love to string men along Bellatrix . But really must you toy with the DarkLord? Is your need for attention greater than the cause ? Greater than your husband's safety?"

"Get out " I said quietly, dangerously quiet.

Severus smirked. "You won't out run him Bellatrix. He will have what he seeks. He will strip you of all that you have if that is what it takes Bella. Make it easy on yourself ...On all of us and just join him. Or else ....make your peace about being a widow now."

"Get OUT"

He kissed the side of my head and I shuddered. As he turned to walk away he got in his last  barb. "Or is that what you want Bella? Do you want 'Roddy' out of the way so you can have Lucius with as little scandal as possible? "

"GET OUT!" I rushed at him spurred on by my anger , hexes flying in his direction . He easily deflected them.

"Tut tut . You must control that temper. You get so sloppy with your spell casting when your blood is boiling ." He said as he shut the door behind him.

I roared my anger out and with it everything within a 10 foot circle around me exploded from an unintended cast Expulso.

I turned and stormed back into the sitting room waving my hand angrily casting reparo and placing things back in their place.

It was a shame my prodigious skill was being squandered sitting about a manor waiting on a husband to return from actually doing something productive.

I sank into the plush sofa head in my hands.

I'd just promised Rodolphus we would try for a baby. But was that what I really wanted. Id be chained to hearth and home caring for a child.

My head swam.

Id always liked being chased. But that was when I could outrun my pursuer. This was new. I was cornered. Being chased and trapped was an entirely new experience.

One I was not at all pleased to be having.

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