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Clear, dark amber.

The colour of the glass I sat in the midst of in my new home with Rodolphus.

Shattered glass everywhere .

That morning I awoke to an owl with a letter sealed with a black B. Our seal .
The family Black.

It summoned me to our family home. I hadn't been summoned for quite some time. Having been married a few months they gave me my space .

I dressed quickly- Id slept late , the owl had been waiting sometime pecking at the window to a passed out, unaware me, Rod was off doing Merlin knows what with Death Eaters (Id not yet joined ).

I arrive at the manor to see a flurry of activity . And a small entourage of people who didn't belong in my family home. I started to walk to Sirius' room- my calm in family storms - before realising he wouldn't be there to give me the inside details.

He had run.

He moved in with that insufferable James just a few weeks prior at the age of 16 and Id not really heard from him since. I cursed his name and hit the wall hard and turned to see him.

Not the wavy dark hair and impish grin of my cousin, my brother . No not Siri. It was the pale hair and iced eyes of Lucius.

My heart stopped. I hadn't seen him in so long.

Fall Term had just ended for them at Hogwarts, they'd just gotten home . It was the first Id seen him in long months, since my wedding.

I immediately wrapped myself around him- where my body always belonged . "Luce what are you doing here. Sweet Salazar I've missed you . You smell so good ."

I wanted to pull him into my childhood bedroom, to have him right there in the midst of all the activity of which I still didn't know the reason for.

He buried his face in my dark hair , against my neck, his hands making familiar travels over my body.

I sighed at his touch and giggled the soft laugh reserved only for him. No one else could elicit the bubbling joy from me.

"Bella " he whispered. And I melted at the sound of my name pulled from his lips.

I pulled back and kissed him. Deeply, passionately- full of need.

He gave into the kiss and we didn't pull apart until our lips were well bruised. When he did there was such deep sadness in his eyes that my heart sank right to the pit of my stomach and fear broke out on my body in the form of a cold sweat.

"Bella " he said again , but this time his voice quavering , his warm hands cupping my face.

"I wanted to be the one to tell you. I needed to be. Im glad I found you first."

"Why? What. Tell me what " my voice in a panic . Our conversations were never serious. They were all laughs and whispered promises and desires. The very things that made life worth living. This was new territory for us to tread and my spine tingled with the discontented nature of it .

He pressed his forehead against mine, his hands slipping into my black curls . My breath caught in my chest dying, waiting for those perfect lips , perfectly bruised lips, that were just grazing my own to speak and break the painful silence that welled up between us.

"Lucius" I choked out. Eyes big, fearfully pleading .

My body already reacting to news my ears had not yet heard. I could feel it on him. I didn't need to hear to know it wasn't good- not for us.

He breathed in deeply and after holding it a moment let out his shuddered breath.

My stomach twisted in a painful knot as I saw his lips part to let out the dreadful words.

"They've made a match. Our fathers have"

"What ?" I pull back confused "...but I'm already married..." And my mouth had no sooner spoken my silly assumption than my brain realised the painful truth. The match wasn't for me but with one of my sisters .

Andie had been promised already...

"Narcissa" my throat tightened around the name of my youngest sister. The thorn in my side .

The one who ruined everything being mummy's precious flower. Mummy's little informant - was now playing a role in ruining my whole life .

"No. No no no NO" my body quaked with the absurdity of it , the unspoken rage.

"He knows. Father knows I love you he wouldn't . He COULDNT"

Lucius quieted my yells by pressing his mouth to mine once again but without the usual effect of making my legs go to jelly. My mind was far too full of confusion and pain to register the sweet bliss that was him against me.

He pulled back and grabbed me tightly to him. "He has my love. Im sorry"

I went to beat at his chest with my fists but he caught my wrists in his firm grasp.

The same grasp that would always grip my hips and pull me into him.

My mouth opened to yell my protest but his eyes stopped me. He was the only one who could do that.

Quell my rage with a glance.

"Your room " he whispered simply .

We were stood outside Sirius ' now vacant room so I nodded to the next door down the hallway. He looked at me, brow raised , as if to say "are you going to behave " and foolishly seeing something in me that said "yes" he let loose my wrists grabbing one of my hands instead, leading me to my own door. He opened it and pulled me inside , pulled me down onto my own childhood bed.

Our bodies entwined , pulled together instantaneously as if finding their missing pieces . Which is exactly what was happening.

We were made for each other. Our bodies knew that truth and sought out their other half instinctually.

He pulled my face to rest against his chest and stroked my hair . He knew what calmed me. He knew me because I belonged to him and he to me.

"I won't " he whispered soothingly . I felt the words of his promise vibrate in the chest I was lain on.
"I won't marry her. We will run. Just like we've always planned. You and me Bella. "

I sobbed into his chest at the unfairness of it all- despite his promises. The betrayal. My father knew. Id begged him to match me with Lucius- one of the few purebred princesses impertinent enough to petition for her own match.

He'd refused based on the age difference- me being over two years older than Lucius. But he knew without a doubt I loved this man I now lay wrapped in, consumed by and still he matched him with my sister.

"He knew" I say darkly. "He knew I loved you and how deeply . He knew Id run and destroy the Lestrange link. "

My marriage to Rod had been a boon for my family . His the only name greater than Black in the Sacred Twenty Eight. They'd hitched our fortune to theirs .

"He knew we'd run Lucius. He thinks by matching my darling sister to the man I love that Id never do so. Id never betray my own blood. " I looked up into his eyes my devastation now replaced by determination.

"He clearly doesn't know me as well as he thinks ."

Settle down with me
Cover me up
Cuddle me in

Lie down with me
And hold me in your arms

And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love

Settle down with me
And I'll be your safety
You'll be my lady

I was made to keep your body warm
But I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms
Ed Sheeran

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