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The coulours of the flowers decorating the reception site. Id wanted blood red but Mother said no. I countered with black- too morose she screamed. "I feel morose about marriage " Id screamed back.

I compromised with the light peach because its matches my complexion and looks nice with the candlelight.

The party following the wedding was exceptional (except for the unwanted colour scheme) Of course it was. Sirius, Andie and I had planned it .

We danced and laughed. His arms wrapped around me nearly all night . He was thrilled to officially have me. That i followed through. I was trying to distract myself swallow the pain.
" lies  and smiles . Lies amd smiles . " I kept repeating . My mantra for the night. For my life for the foreseeable future.

It worked . Until my eyes would meet his . Not the muddy brown ones of my grooms- but the clear piercing grey of my loves.

"Lucius " my heart would yell loudly interrupting my smiles and lies chant. Breaking my resolve. Id see him and flush pink, my eyes would burn with tears . He'd throw back his glass of fire whiskey and get more.

All I wanted was to fall in his arms and I could tell by the look on his face all he could see was me falling in Rodolphus'.

"Lies  and smiles  " my mind would take back over from my souls loud interruption to our facade .

"Lies  and smiles" Id remind myself as I allowed him to spin me around the dance floor, dip me, kiss me...

I began to feel trapped by my pretty little life that was closing in on me and my head spun, limbs went weak. He helped me to a chair where Andie and Sirius quickly ran to my side.

"Belle are you okay ?" Andie asked "what have you eaten today?"

"What have I eaten ? Lies and smiles " I repeated.

The Madness of Bellatrix LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now