Blonde Brunette

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Blonde and Brunette

After my "outing" with Rodolpjus I found myself in a stretch of a two week detention. He as well- but separately. We collectively lost 80 points for Slytherin.

It seems the school frowned upon students staying out all night together and sneaking in running from the light of the rising sun.

Thankfully they'd no idea we'd been off campus and apparated to Knockturn. Even better yet they'd no idea what we'd bought there and what transpired in the long hours we lingered in the field.

Lucius, did however. Or he had a pretty fair idea . He wouldn't listen no matter what I told him. And I told him everything, even though it hurt me to do so.

To see the look on his face.

To know he thought I betrayed him more than I had.

He found his own ways to punish me. Lots of them.

Most blonde.

Two of them brunette.

All of them finding themselves later staring at my fist or the tip of my wand.

None of them ever looked at him again.
Poor boy. I wonder if he doubted himself.

Or if he knew.

He should have known.

I don't share.

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