Black meets Red

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Red eyes now, the blue was quickly retreating, I noticed, from the Red Sea.

"Oh Madamè Lèstrange we just keep running into each other. Wandered off have you?" He said, taking a step in the direction Id just left Lucius. Where I left him with much to hide.

"I. Yes. I just im not feeling well and needed away from the crowd. " None of that was a lie. Panicking trying to keep him away from Lucius I decide to do something drastic. I put my arm in his. "Care to escort me back" I smiled up at him.

"Id be delighted " he said as he stared at me through narrow suspicious eyes. "We need to talk anyway"

"Hmm as always, aye? In private or can we actually talk around people. You seem unable to behave around me."

"Oh it's your behaviour I wanted to discuss."

"Shit" my brain screamed as my mouth stayed in a pert smile.

"Oh my behaviour, really? Whatever could you mean."

"I think you know Bella ." Voldemort still wore a congenial smile making eye contact with those he passed nodding and smiling politely as he led me past the crowd.

"I thought we were just talking around everyone else to-"

"Shut you damn mouth. That's your first lesson" he hissed low so only I could hear as his arm tightened around mine far more than was necessary.

He led me back into the house. I scanned the rooms as we passed them panicked looking for any sign of Rodolphus. I didn't see him, nor Evan or Antonin , nor anyone else I could trust to rescue me from whatever I was being taken to.

He walked me up the stairs practically dragging me as my feet kept missing the flat of the stairs and instead banged loudly at the back of them or skipping precariously on the edges as I was rushed to the next floor . He opened one of the first doors we came to- a guest room by the looks of it. Evan was a distant cousin, not one Id had occasion to visit over night with, just visit here and there for a couple hours so I was unfamiliar with the residential floors.

Voldemort shoved me hurriedly and roughly inside and slammed the door closed behind us. I backed slowly against the wall until he turned and rushed at me arms extended. I thought for sure I was going to be shoved through the window directly behind me . Instead, he slowed his force and I just stumbled backwards a few steps.

"Stupid wench " he hissed as he shoved me.

I could feel the heat of his rage. See it boiling in his red eyes.
No blue refuge to be found.

I gasped as I caught my breath and regained my footing my chin jutting up proudly as it had done since childhood when I felt wronged. Probably since birth actually.

" I beg your pardon." I growled. "Oh Im sorry. My lord " I bowed dramatically with a flourish of my hand which earned me his harsh grasp around my arm flinging me roughly toward the bed on my left.

I lost my footing entirely this time and stumbled backwards tripping over my own feet until I fell on my side onto the Center of the bed.

He pounced like a rabid animal crossing the short distance between he and the bed, grabbing my left shoulder roughly and throwing it back forcing me onto my back before he was sat on top of me , his hands pinning both shoulders against the mattress.

"I. Have. Had . It. Bellatrix!" He yelled in my face . "I do not care whose child you are, whose wife you are nor how pure that blood that runs through your veins is. I will shed it if you give me cause to. You dare speak with irreverence to me in front of my men. You walk in, a woman, a mere housewife and disrespect me in my own headquarters. It won't be tolerated. Until now I've had fun with our little barbs back and forth but I will tolerate it no longer"

The Madness of Bellatrix LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now