Black Void Red Rage

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You've got a grip on me
I cannot take it by mistake
And you're the coward

My tongues become a gun
You've tortured me
I'm out of luck
And you're the trigger

Screaming on the inside
Yeah, on the inside
I've come undone
-Get Scared

"Stop. STOP IT" his yells rang out amidst the sound of crashing glass, busting wood. The ripping of fabric - our heavy drapes my new target.

"BELLATRIX" his voice boomed as his strong arms came round my slight waist forcefully pulling me to him.

I twisted in his grasp my bloodied fists colliding with his chest. Bloody because magic was only a minor player in my destruction of our home , the rage within needing to be released corporeally .

He didn't dare grab my wrists to stop my fists from their pummelling , doing so would give freedom for the rest of me. His only salvation right now was his strength over me and the fact that I was too enraged, too out of my mind to use magic.

We'd only gotten home 15 minutes prior. He'd returned back to The Dark Lord's headquarters from his mission to find me sat in the corner staring off and quiet. The Dark Lord was uncharacteristically nowhere to be found. Typically he'd be there to get immediate reports but as he heard the sounds of apparation outside he had sat me down from where I lay limp and despondent in his arms, having no will to fight against anything he'd decided he wanted from me and left the room to his private quarters , of which the wards were too strong for any of us to enter.

I had weakly removed myself to the farthest point in the room from the door he'd just exited from. Not that space and time mattered much when dealing with a dark lord. No, they mattered as much as refusal to his advances, his offers, his violence, but still the very human side of my mind took minuscule comfort in the distance I placed between myself and wherever he now lurked.

I sat and I stared off into nothingness, feeling nothing, yet feeling everything the last two hours alone with the most powerful Dark wizard afforded me. My brain was split in two halves the blackness of disassociated despondency and the red flame of complete awareness of the many ways Id been violated. Fortunately the blackness that pervaded my mind so often now, that dulled my senses to the point of near catatonic trances was the victor at the moment and so I sat, an empty husk, devoid of emotion or will while the red rage of consciousness replayed the last hours somewhere in the far recesses of my mind.

It was like this my husband found me and when I didn't respond to him crouched down beside me, Antonin , his ever faithful friend to his right and they tried to pull me out of whatever state I was in.

"Did he hex her? Stupefy or something?"

"No she's not rigid. She's. She gets like this sometimes. Im worried about her. She just goes off when extremely stressed, it's like she's not even here. " he said as he scooped me up in his strong protective arms. The arms that led me here and then left me to whatever fate would befall me at the hands of his master, his trusted Lord. "I just need to get her home. She'll be okay. "

"Need help?"

"No I've got her. Thanks though Toni. "

"No problem." Toni said before kissing my cheek. "Come out of it Belle" he whispered, using the nickname only Rod was allowed to call me. "Let me know she's okay Rod. Send me an owl or something will Ya? And ... Let me know what happened here tonight. Our Belle is a fierce one Im a bit concerned what could've caused this."

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