Impure White

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"I can taste salt water
And if I blink again
You'll be sinking in
So we'll learn to swim in the oceans you made
I'll hold ya and you'll think of him
And pretty soon you'll be floating away

And I'll hold on to the words you spoke of
Anchored down in the throat, love
And I'm captain of this sinking boat now
With just one armband to carry me home

When salted tears won't dry
I'll wipe my shirtsleeves
Under your eyes
These hearts will be flooded tonight
I'll wipe my shirtsleeves
Under your eyes"


The colour of his shirt sleeve, streaked with charcoal from wiping under my eyes.

The tears wouldn't stop, nothing would stem the tide.

He'd left to go - back through the dark tunnels beneath the Black home. The tunnels he'd snuck through every night since we got back from Hogwarts.

But this morning was different.

He wouldn't return tonight.

I wouldn't be here.

And so I chased after him. Stopped him. Held him fiercely and trembled under the pain of it all.

The next time we saw each other would be when I walked down the aisle white clad and bound by my pureblood to marry another.

He'd sit helpless in a seat as my feet, pulled by duty to family by lack of choice for my station in this Wizarding Royal society, walked me to another.

One whom was chosen for me despite my desires.

One who would slip a band of lies around my slight finger , third on the left hand, and bind me to him.

The finger that belonged - as did my heart- to the blonde boy stood before me wiping fruitlessly at the rush of salt water from my eyes.

"I can't " Id sobbed.

"You will" he whispered while tucking my wild curls behind my ears, pulling them from where they'd been plastered against my wet, glistening cheeks.

We both knew I had no choice. He had two years of schooling left and my family didn't take kindly to refusal. And so Id marry Rodolphus, play my part until we could be together again.

My face crumpled at his words and tears ran fresh .

"Bella" he whispered as his shirt sleeve was put to work again, useless in its soaked state.

My name on his lips always rushed over me like electricity, everything stopped, frozen as I stared at him.

"We will be together. Always. You're mine Bella" his finger slid sweetly down my wet lips as he spoke before replacing them with his.

Our kiss tasting of salt water, the bitter sweetness that made up our existence together.

He didn't leave at dawn that day.

I laid in his arms until the last possible second, until I had to put on the White dress of lies .

I walked him to the front door. No sneaking through tunnels today. We walked past my staring family - the architects of my torture and kissed our goodbyes.

Goodbye- until next time.

Your eyes, your lips, your mouth
Your thighs, your back, you drive me wild
Tonight, the fact is I...
I'm on my way home
I'm on my way home
I lied, I tried to cry but I'm, I'm drowning in the oceans you made
When salted tears won't dry
I'll wipe my shirtsleeves
Under your eyes
These hearts will be flooded tonight
I'll wipe my shirtsleeves
Under your eyes
Your eyes, your eyes, " - Ed Sheeran

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