Powder Blue

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The colour of the ridiculous scooter Rodolphus pulled up on.

We were on our honeymoon in the South of France . He'd awoken early that morning and kissed me on the head. "Stay in bed and rest baby, just meet me down in front of the hotel in an hour. "

I sighed and rolled back over getting a little more sleep. I never have liked mornings.

I managed to make it to the front of the hotel just as he pulled up. On a blue motor bike .

"What the- ?"

He tossed me a helmet . "Come on Trix . We are going to have some fun, see some sights and the best part- you're going to sit behind me holding tightly for dear life " he winked.

I laughed as I slid the helmet on and straddled the bike .

"Ready baby?" He asked .

"No " i squealed as he sped off . I gripped tighter around him than I probably ever have as we sped down the motorway.

We visited local marketplaces and made a picnic lunch to eat before swimming beneath the arches Pont du Gard and walking through a gorgeous Mediterranean gardens .

Everything was picturesque.

Through our three week stay we visited the museums of Montpellier, the gorgeous beaches of Nice and St TropeZ, the Avingon in Provence... So much.

But I think the favourite part for me was being sat on the back of that bike arms wrapped around him , face against his back oscillating between exhilaration and fear .

Realising that I did feel something for this man I was married to outside my choice, that it may not ever be what I felt for Lucius, but it was genuine and for now enough.

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