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He kissed my lips
I taste your mouth
He pulled me in
I was disgusted with myself 'Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into your eyes-Katy Perry


The lake we were sat by.

Rodolphus loved to take me by the Black Lake to spend time our seventh year.

Id calmed down a lot from the previous year, learning Id be betrothed to someone not of my choice - someone not Malfoy. We'd decided to play along til Lucius could finish school- and we could be together pureblood arranged marriages be damned - and so Id had to spend more and more time with - my fiancé.

Rod really wasn't bad - back then . He'd fallen hard for me, and the more I relaxed into my circumstances the more I enjoyed our time together. Id even settled down enough that silly Albus made me Head Girl. Hard to believe now.

This day we were sat by the lake, my head in his lap, his fingers running through my hair as the waning fall sun did its best to try and warm us.

He spoke quietly but excitedly.

"He's for pureblood supremacy - entriely . You know Trixy , our families , we are basically royalty"

"I know Roddy." I sighed. Id heard nothing less growing up listening to mother and Aunty Walburga.

"He plans on fixing the society. He's building an army Belle. Snape and I met with him along with a few others- Mulciber , Crabbe... Im going to join him as soon as Im done here"

I turned over and stared up at him. "As soon as you're done here?! Have you forgotten our wedding , you ?"

"Of course not Trixy." He poked my nose "But after. Right after -Im joining him. It will be good for us , love , we will have power, status - even more than our combined two names and families already bring ."

I rolled my eyes indulgently and turned back around laying my head back in his lap as he continued to prattle on almost romantically about this Lord Voldemort and this new society he'd usher in.

"Some crazy new social movement that will fizzle out " I thought to myself as he twirled tendrils of my hair around his finger telling me of dark marks and meetings .

That silly young girl, taking attention where she could get it, had she only realised that the boy she was lain on , the one who loved her, whom she could never love back the same , was laying out her future, maybe she'd have listened more closely.

Had I only known he was speaking of my coming life- each detail he spoke a dark stone laying out the path to my destruction.

Maybe had I paid more attention then and kept my cynicism.

Maybe I wouldn't in desperation and loss agree to run to a mad man and let him brand me, make me his.


But instead, as it always did , my mind ran to a pale boy with just as pale hair and an icy stare. A boy I would inadvertently drag down with me in a few years into the madness Rod was whispering in my ear excitedly of now.

All our futures entangled together . Destined for pain and destruction. If we only we knew...

All things truly wicked start from an innocence."

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