Ink Black

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"Prick your finger, it is done
The moon has now eclipsed the sun
The angel has spread its wings
The time has come for bitter things"
-Marilyn Manson

Black as Ink

The lines swirling on Rodolphus' left inner forearm as Volde- The Dark Lord pressed his wand to my husband's flesh.

Rod was taking the Dark Mark and insisted I be there. No other wives were there . Just me.

It wasn't so much my husband's insistence I found out as it was his new master's.

His master who, while he made the mark on my husband's arm, kept glancing up at me .

My skin flushed and also crawled under the heat of his gaze. It was as if I was simultaneously drawn and repelled by him.

The air became unmercifully heavy and I swear my lungs forgot to take it in . When his eyes met mine my spine went rigid and my lips parted to finally take in a much needed gasp of air. The corners of his lips curled up in a small smile . He clearly was enjoying the effect he had on me.

The effect he had on me....

How could he not? He exuded power. You could feel it with just the way he walked into a room. And his eyes . When his eyes locked onto mine - everything else in the room faded away. They were dark, and deep but, and at the time I thought at the time my mind was playing tricks on me, they swam red beneath the surface. You'd see it occasionally roll through the near onyx of his iris . When he showed strong emotion it was more noticeable. Like right at that moment staring at me.

I know now it was due to making horcruxes and the effects splitting his soul was taking on his body. They were visible even then but more mildly so. He retained the dashing good looks of his youth , the rolling red flickering behind his eyes only adding to his allure. His skin not other worldly white yet though remarkably pale already. He bore resemblance to European royalty of the past, in times where their pale flesh was revered to show their aristocracy and so it was never kissed by the sun. His beautiful wavy hair still sat on his head and my fingers longed to run through it.

I would have hated myself for having such a reaction to another man in front of my husband but I felt the draw to him wasn't completely of my own doing. For at the same time I was desperate for more of him, part of me was screaming to leave. That unmistakable chill down the spine . Still I didn't have time to listen to my instincts because as soon as he announced Rodolphus as the newest member of his inner circle I'd barely looked down at his newly branded flesh before he was asking for me.

The Dark Lord was asking for me.

"Madame Lestrange, Id like to have a word with you, if you would be so kind. "

"I , Um ... Okay?" I was just here to support Rodolphus. Not interact with anyone . Certainly not someone who could shut down my autonomic processes with a glance.

I took Rodolphus' hand for comfort. He saw that .

"No, I meant.. Alone " he smiled the smile of a Wolf . "That is of course if your husband doesn't mind. "

"Bellatrix go" my foolish husband said sliding his hand from mine and placing it on the small of my back as if his earnest "go" wasn't shove enough.

I swallowed hard, what felt the last of the moisture as my mouth suddenly had gone dry. "Yes . Yes fine, Lord Voldemort ."

I walked from the comfort of my husband to the devil. I knew him as such that day- my subconscious mind still able to set off warning bells that my besotted mind later would ignore . Despite the unmistakable draw to him, desire even, my mind still registered the evil lurking underneath. It, just like the red in his eye , would flicker to the surface occasionally underneath the carefully constructed facade he had masterfully created.

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