Forest Green

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Forest Green.

The grass we tumbled in.

Winter had finally thawed and we were enjoying the mild sun on our faces between classes.

We'd run, raced actually because my competitive streak must always make things a contest, to the far end of the grounds before he'd tackled me taking me into his arms and his back taking the brunt of the fall.

"Merlin, I love you " he said as he brushed long hair from my face.

I smiled , the only thing my lips would do because I couldn't return the sentiment.

His dark eyes stared into my even darker ones before he reached up, his lips grazing mine, ever so softly.

I pressed in. My lips acting of their own accord while my mind raced elsewhere- to a blonde boy with light eyes...

I couldn't help but be attracted to Rodolphus. He had the rough good looks any Slytherin girl would fall over, and many did. Purely raw sensuality I could give him, love was another story.

And so my lips remained silent not returning the words he so wanted to hear but giving him something else he wanted as they took over the kissing.

My mind, my heart always torn- between the one I loved and the one I was promised to.

I still don't know if I was wrong. Can you be wrong when you're with the one you're forced to marry ? Loving him the best you can while truly loving another . I know somewhere in there lies my fault Im still not sure if it is with still loving Lucius , my truth , or in giving my future husband all my soul would allow him.

As my mind wrestled with the complexities that arranged marriage forced on us he flipped us so he was over top of me. I smiled, I couldn't help but react to him. The way he looked at me, handled me, it struck me primally and I let him kiss me deeper, press against me.

In another world , another life Rodolphus would be perfect for me, I, perfect for him. He just had the great misfortune of being paired with someone who'd already handed her heart away.

I could give him so much, but my heart was spoken for.

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