Purity White /Bella Black

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White, Black

I was drowning in it . Id returned home from finishing my schooling at Hogwarts and sneaking around to the LeakyCauldron with a certain pale haired boy to be greeted with binders full of wedding preparations my mother and Aunty Walburga had made over the last year.

I couldn't be assed to bother with any details. Id been too busy prancing about Hogwarts in my final year of my reign as Queen of Slytherin.

Suddenly flipping through pages of plans for a wedding I didn't even want to have , I decided it was all rubbish- and decried it as such . I threw the books back to the floor - neat painstakingly organised papers now flying and fluttering about through the air as Mother and Walburga began to scream about my ingratitude and insolence.

I walked away calmly with a wicked smirk on my face flanked by wide-eyed and also smirking Sirius and Andromeda.

We headed to my bedroom where we had always spent so much time together and I plopped down on my bed with a loud laugh

"Did you see those old bats?!" I shrieked with the joy only a spoilt princess could exude.

Sirius leapt on the bed beside me tackling and tickling me . "Well done Trix. It's so good to hear old Walburga opening those nasty lungs to scream at someone else for a change. "

Andie stood at the foot of my bed arms crossed, a more solemn look though she couldn't help but smile at Sirius and I .

"Belle, they worked really hard on all this. You absolutely refused to even look over anything all this time and now less than a month out you're suddenly interested in every detail? It's hardly fair is it?"

I eyed her dangerously and Sirius well knowing that look made a "tut tut" noise in Andie's general direction as he slid an arm around my waist in the event he needed to restrain me.

"Andie dear" I said with a cold calmness that for me only could mean volcanic rage was bubbling beneath , " it's hardly fair that I have to marry someone not of my choosing is it? That I love someone whom I can never legitimately have . Is that fair? " Andie just sighed and uncrossed her arms signalling her defeat.

"If I can't marry whom I want I may as well have the party I want at this sham of a wedding. Suddenly I am very interested in all the details. You'll understand soon. You're next darling sister. The day after Im sent off to LeStrange manor to be the next pure blood breeder they'll begin on yours . And you Sirius, I hear your match is underway. About time too!"

I noticed an uneasy loaded look exchanged between the two upon my last two statements . Andie looked positively frightened while Sirius looked at her with daggers as if to say "I'll keep my mouth closed if you keep yours"

I didn't like it. They were keeping something from me and I refused to be kept in the dark.

For now however, my mind was, as it so often tended to , on myself . I threw pamphlets and papers at them and we three undid a years worth of our mothers' combined efforts in one afternoon re planning the wedding my way.

I may be a pure blood princess but I still was a Slytherin and I knew how to throw one hell of a party . .

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