Spring Green

485 18 5

It's crawling up my spine, and now I'm shaking,
My hate, my sympathy is slowly fading
Save me from myself, I'm going down, down, down.

So trusting, stop feeling sorry for me,
Don't touch me, I'll never leave this place.
I'll only let you down, I'm fucking sick, believe me,
I know I'll find a way to pull myself from the grave
Get Scared
"Get Out"

Spring green

The colour of the new freshly sprouted grass my feet now glided through.

The spring air blew through my hair hair making my curls even messier than normal. It was still a chilly air, the sun fighting to warm our little part of the world but it was the warmest day we had yet so I  had gone to walk about our gardens and feel the weak warmth on my face. I walked in the front door and was stopped abruptly by a forceful hand in my abdomen.

Rodolphus .

I looked at him shocked and a bit winded from the blow- he hadn't anticipated my momentum coming in the door and his hand had knocked the wind out of me.

"We have a guest" he said in a low voice.

"A what? Who? Antonin again? I swear Im starting to think - "

"No Belle , it's-"

"Oh , I see the Lady of the Manor has returned. Rodolphus had just gone out to find you for me, but I guess he didn't have to look far" interrupted the smooth voice of the snake.

Rodolphus eyes flashed a warning at me not do anything to anger our guest . To not say anything wrong, oh if he only knew. After my last "meeting" with the man stood before us I was sure my pretty little mouth could do no wrong.

"Oh Lord Voldemort, what an honour to have you in our home " I smiled politely and shot Rod a look that said "see I can behave" before continuing ."I haven't seen you since New Year's Eve " I said arching a brow letting him know I had not forgot the "moment" we shared. "Look a bit pale. You alright?" Rodolphus looked like his eyes were going to fall out of his head they bulged so far.

The Dark Lord waved off my "concern" "Just effects of some ... Dark magic"

"Is that right? What kind-"
"Belle!" Hissed Rodolphus.
"Oh if you're so interested in dark magic perhaps you're ready to consider my offer ? Take my mark? I'll show you all the dark magic your little heart desires." Voldemort smoothly said.

"Me? Nah." I pulled up my left sleeve and rubbed my hand along the underside of my left forearm looking at it. "I quite like my skin as it is. " my eyes met his.

"Well I see you're going to make my visit more difficult then."

"And how is that?" I retorted, Rodolphus had begun to break out into a fine sweat at this point along his brow. He hadn't ever heard anyone speak to his master with anything but reverence and fear.

"Oh, I'm here to speak with you Bella-" I gave him a warning look. "Bellatrix" he smirked. "Here to further discuss where we left off when you so abruptly left me at the party "

"Abruptly" I laughed.

He glared and smiled at the same time .

The Madness of Bellatrix LestrangeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя