Scarlet Red

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A/N: Some mature but not explicit or graphic scenes. What do you expect? They haven't seen each other in months .

Scarlet Red

The cloak I wore around my shoulders as I stood in an alley by the Hogshead as I waited for Lucius to break away from the other students enjoying their last Hogsmeade weekend of the spring term before summer break. 

His grey eyes sparkled when he saw me waiting for him that first Saturday in May.

"Bella" he exhaled my name as if he had been holding his breath, he probably had been- worried I wouldn't come.

I bit my lower lip in excitement and smiled a small giggle escaping my throat .

I had left my home that morning with a lie on my lips to my husband ; a sick feeling in my stomach. I loved Rod now and hated betraying him. But I couldn't deny my heart did and always would belong to Lucius and so I lied .

I lied and I left.

Now stood in an alley his arms around me anything I had felt this morning had vanished.  A soft sigh escaped my mouth as his lips crashed onto mine, forcefully, heavy  with the weight of every day they had been separated from mine .

His hands roughly gripped my hair and pulled me deeper into the kiss.

When we finally broke apart our lips were raw.

"I thought we were going somewhere " I laughed quietly.

He smirked , that same twist of the lips that could leave me angry or weak with desire . "I haven't seen you in forever Bella, I needed a little bit of you to hold me over"

"Yeah well , Im not sure if I can apparate us in this state of mind"

"Oh yeah, " he raised his brows. "And what state of mind would that be " his index finger trailed down my jaw, down the column of my neck, over the top of my breasts that curved out of the top of my tightly corseted dress.

My eyes closed during its travels across my body . "Stop" I whispered. "We will never get out of this alley"

"Fine." He sighed hands in the air taking a step back from me. He then gave me a stern look.

"What ?" I asked, brows furrowed startled by his sudden change in demeanour.

He gave a disappointed look as he took my left wrist in his hand and slid my wedding rings from my finger. He slid them in the inside pocket of his cloak .

"Come on!" He said.

"Im sorry. I forgot" my lower lip extending out in a pout.

He rolled his eyes. "It's fine. "

He stepped toward me. "Im sorry too. For everything. For not running to your side when I saw you stumble as Andie led you out of the room. Bella I wanted to come to you so badly" he had taken my face in his hands and was searching my eyes.

"You already apologised" I said flatly trying to fight back the emotions that the memories of the day of his betrothal to Narcissa always quickly brought.

"I know. But I needed to say it to you myself." He kissed around my face, soft kisses of regret. "I don't know what to do in these situations . But know that you're always my first thought. Even if I act wrong. It's not that I mean to hurt you- it's just I don't know how to navigate this nonsense. Damn, I just wish we could run away now"

"Well then, let's " I said with a smile.

I took his hand and apparated us to another alley- this time in Diagon. He kissed me and said he'd be right back . He came back a few moments later with keys. "Back door, let me go first then you follow- room 212" he kissed my lips and pulled the hood of my cloak  over my hair , it was deep enough it obscured my face easily from the sides and when I followed later , a few minutes, which  felt like long hours without him, I kept my head down  to not be recognised from the front either.

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