Serpent Green

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"Or perhaps in Slytherin,
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means,
To achieve their ends."
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
JK Rowling
Green .

Slytherin green.

Only the top five boys and girls got to wear their house colours as a sash over their robes at graduation .

And I was one of them.

Was I top girl? Of course I wasn't, that always goes to a Ravenclaw but placing third to two Claws was no small feat.

People forget I always excelled at schooling. My wand skills were never doubted , renowned even while still a student but people like to think I wasn't intelligent.

Maybe it's easier to believe . After all , a highly intelligent person being swayed by such evil is much more alarming than believing me a dullard who was easily duped, misled.

No I was -am - brilliant.

Evil lures all kinds.

But not yet. At this point I was just a girl. A girl finishing schooling but surprisingly wanting to stay.

School was over and it meant I was to be married soon. To the dark haired boy sat with our classmates who was shouting my name as I received my honours .

It also meant that Id have to leave the paled hair boy , two years younger behind. The one whose face I couldn't see right now, one of many in the crowd.

Hogwarts had provided us with endless days together . My being a prefect and then Head Girl affording us the ability to sneak around the castle at night .

As Professor Mcgonnogall handed me my certificate and shook my hand I couldn't help but smirk . Flashes of that night running in my mind . She'd caught us , after midnight in her classroom. Mercifully , she gave us nothing more than an order to straighten up our clothes and to go to our dorms- separately .

People say she had a lost love. A muggle who wouldn't have understood. A broken engagement . Maybe it's for that reason she didn't punish us the way she should. Or maybe she saw even back then that Lucius was the key to my sanity.

In any case I appreciated her silence on our transgressions and when I took the certificate from her I think we both knew my "thank you" was for more than just the sake of being polite as she handed it to me.

Some left that night with their parents. Id nothing to go back to the House of Black except endless planning for a wedding I didn't want and so Id decided to stay behind for the remainder of the 2 weeks that the under classmen still had to finish of their schooling.

Rodolphus left for home that night , on a holiday with his family actually so he'd never realised Id stayed.

Id stayed for him.

For Lucius.

My brilliant brain that tended far too often to put its power to manipulation and cunning realised that being seventeen and officially not a student afforded me some freedoms.

I could leave the castle as I pleased. Go to Hogsmeade . From Hogsmeade I could apparate having my apparation license now and so could go anywhere I wanted.

Of course I didn't go alone. Every night Lucius snuck out and met me at the Forbidden Forest just after dark. We'd walk briskly to Hogsmeade and quickly apparate to the room Id rented at the Leaky Cauldron and he'd be back at Hogwarts before the teachers woke.

Those two weeks were the most time we had Together yet and the most we'd have for the next two years until he graduated as well.

My Slytherin cunning nature has served me well- far more than just in academics.

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