Black & Blue & Red All Over

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Black and Blue

His face his arms, his whole damn torso.

"Roddy!" I gasped as I heard a crack of apparation and a thud of collapsing body on the dark wooden floor.

I ran downstairs missing every few steps, lucky myself to not end up bruised and bloodied from a fall. I ran through the long hallways to where I knew he typically apparated into our home , the hall outside the drawing room. The drawing room being where he kept his brandy.

He would be needing much more than that tonight.

"What hap- shit. What happened ?!" My brain raced as my hands nearly flailed uselessly over his body, too panicked to do more.

He was trying to sit up but I could tell he was too injured to do so. I let out a whimper as I placed my hands behind his shoulders and lowered him back down and rolled him onto his back so I could take in his wounds better.

"They just sent you home like this? We don't have anything- I don't know medi spells . Why didn't they- "

"Had to. Was outnumbered . I didn't think ....just apparated ended up here.."

I bit my knuckles, my hand fisted tightly in anxiety.

I took my dagger from its sheath to cut away the blood soaked clothing and noticed large bruises covering his abdomen.

"Hell Roddy I think you're bleeding internally" I breathed out.

I couldn't take him to Mungo's the idiot Ministry would have him arrested. They'd likely figure out how he got the wounds even though the ranks of the Dark Lord were mostly not known - yet.

"Who can I get?" I asked as I knelt beside him my face near his.

"Nott" he breathed out.

"Don't you dare fall asleep Rodolphus. You need to stay conscious. I'll be right back. Be strong baby"

I didn't even know if I could apparate to the headquarters . I wasn't a Death Eater. I hoped my most sought after status afforded me such luxuries and was relieved to find it did.

I arrived in the door and saw several men lying on the ground being tended to by a few familiar faces . I hated being around these men, even with Rod around but fortunately too much was happening for them to pay me much mind .

A pale, handsome face saw me first. Of course.
He'd stood in the back surveying all that was happening without a seeming care.

He made quick work of slithering to my side as I looked around the room for Marcellus Nott.

"Oh the lovely Madamè Lestrange, and what do I have the honour of this visit, my dear " he nearly purred as he reached my side and stroked down my arm.

"Cut the crap Tom . " I spat angrily and the room nearly stopped in stunned silence. Those who weren't actively engaged with a serious injury to tend looked my way horrified.

Voldemort squeezed the arm he'd just been stroking with such force that I knew bruises had instantly formed. "Im sick of your disrespect and insolence " he roared the last word as his free hand grasped the sides of my face as harshly as my arm.

"He's hurt . Badly. Far worse than anyone here. Please. " I pleaded .

He glared at me but recognised the look in my eye , a look he'd tried so hard to provoke in me numerous times, but Id fought giving him the satisfaction of- fear.

He nodded and let go of my face and dragged me closely behind him, the tight grip sill on my upper arm. Antonin ran over.

"DammitBella, what the hell? " he exclaimed.

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