Tarnished Silver

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A sea of it. That's a bit of an exaggeration but stood amidst billowing black cloaks and overpowering death eater masks of silver I felt like I was in some gothic nightmare. I of course was unmasked. I wasn't a Death Eater. I was summoned as though I were one, forced among ranks to which I didn't belong. My husband stood beside me, his handsome face hidden behind fearsome silver and black.

"Why am I here?" I asked confused. They were all dressed for a mission. What need have I to be among them. I wasn't going into battle with them. I wasn't trained.

Skilled yes. Most likely skilled far above any of those assembled there but wand skills and battle are different things. There's a specialised art to a battle, strategy , tactics- I lacked that exacting knowledge. The very knowledge I would one day excel in. The knowledge that would earn me the title of Lieutenant.

"I don't know baby. " he whispered so no one else could hear the affection in his voice.

Rodolphus , he loved me . Adored me. He wanted me here less than I wanted to be there but knew denying his master would only bring his wrath unnecessarily upon us.

"I don't know either baby" replied the masked man beside him. "Im just glad you're here with me sexy. Hold my hand will you " he grabbed at Rodolphus and received an elbow to the ribs.

"Shut the hell up Toni!" Rodolphus hissed as Antonin broke out in laughter. The two were thick as thieves and excellent in battle together . Lestrange and Dolohov were known in the ranks as the foremost up and comers - the unbeatable duo.

I smirked and continued in French. I knew for a fact that Antonin wouldn't know what was being said. 

" Maybe I should just go. Surely he didnt mean for me to be here today. He wanted me here for a training day. " All spoken in French . I could tell Toni was highly irritated as he tried to listen in. I continued in a low sexy voice "Par ailleurs , Je t'aime et te veux tellement . Quand nous arrivons à la maison , je suis à cheval vous toute la nuit ."

Rodolphus face turned twenty shades of red as he heard my last statement . I couldn't see it but I could see the colour of his ears transition and knew his face matched . I giggled as he stood stiffly willing that very reaction not to happen to his lower regions.

Before he could get his bearings to respond, Antonin's laughter broke in. "I don't have to be fluent in anything to know that was typical Bellatrix indecency . Roddy, boy,  I am so jealous of you ."

He shoved Dolohov again before responding quietly,  his voice thick "DammitBella. You need to control your tongue " Antonin laughed again and received another sharp elbow , this one making him yelp. "And no you can't just leave. He meant for you to be here. He doesn't make mistakes."

I could tell he was unnerved with the realisation that this meant in all likely hood I was about to be left alone with the Dark Lord and Rodolphus too far away, unable to intervene.

I had the same realisation and found myself too unnerved but admittedly a bit excited at the prospect .  I hated him and was always broken to pieces by our interactions, but the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach told me my actions and reactions weren't entirely in my control but still the fact that I was nearly betraying my husband everytime I encountered his master whether I meant to or not tore my mind to bits . But Salazar help me I couldn't  deny the thrill up my spine at the prospect of being truly alone with him for the first time. It exhilarated and terrified me.

I shook off the shiver creeping up my spine just as the door across the room opened and in came The Dark Lord, his robes billowing impressively  about him giving a regal air about him as he strode toward his followers.

His followers and me.

"Good evening . I see you're all before me prepared and ready to go. You were briefed at the last meeting about the missions  and there have been no changes so you'll be able to leave momentarily with your squadron captains. "

His red eyes, fully red now, swept over the crowd and landed on me, a sly faint smile trembling at the corners of his lips .

"Oh you do stand out in a crowd anytime, lovely, but how much more so here. "

The Dark Lord made his way over and took my hand and pulled me away from my husband , our hands sliding reluctantly apart as he drew me to him.

Little did I know what a metaphor or foreshadowing that moment  would be for what became of our lives.

"We've all long heard about the impressive skills of a certain pure blood witch since she was in her last couple years at Hogwarts.Through much much persuasion" the second much said through rueful gritted teeth- " Rodolphus' wife Bellatrix has  deigned to train with us. Or more specifically, me. As you know I don't train...anyone. But I see such promise beneath the insolent, spoilt exterior of our little Royal witch here." He tugged discretely yet roughly on my arm, making sure I was grasping his thinly veiled displeasure of my repeated rejections. "And so I will take the time to personally see to her training. We also rarely , almost never allow female Death Eaters so Im sure she realises the great honour being bestowed upon her"

Because I have nary a speck of good sense I decided at that moment to open my mouth to correct him  . "Im not a Death Eater."

"Excuse me what?" Voldemort said squeezing my hand to the point where I felt the bones and ligaments start to strain from my knuckles, a searing pain through my hand that made my breath hitch in my chest.

"I.. Im not... Becoming a death eater" I said followed by a long shuddered exhale of air.

He winced. Imperceptibly to the silver sea in front of us but enough  that I could see it and shudder knowing Id angered him further.

"Shut . Up. " it was hushed. He couldn't let the men assembled before him see him rattled but it was also most certainly an order. My first order from him.
The Dark Lord.
My Lord .
My master.

It was my first order. Unofficial order as Id stated, I was not a Death Eater. I was there as some little side project. Clearly in his mind my joining his ranks was a foregone conclusion one Id brazenly attempted to demolish and in the presence of his faithful followers no less.

"Im going to pay for that " my brain immediately realised.

The sly, charm of the snake who grabbed my hand whisking me away from dance floors around secluded dark corners was gone. Seduction was no longer in play . Now it was all power and pain. Dominance and submission. The hunter and the hunted.

I Bellatrix Black Lestrange proud fiercely independent pure blood had just become prey. Cornered without escape prey. The searing pain ripping through my too tightly gripped hand, my crushed hand, my breaking hand was only the beginning  of this the most dangerous game.

The Madness of Bellatrix LestrangeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora