Chestnut Brown

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" ...she'll go and fall in love, and there's an end of peace and fun, and cozy times together."
– Louisa May Alcott


That golden brown soft hair that framed Andromeda's face.

It whipped around  her features as the cold February  wind blew about .

It's all I saw when I opened the door and I knew it was her.

"Andie !" I exclaimed grabbing her into a quick tight hug.

She smiled but I could see she was tense.

"What are you doing here? I mean I'm so excited you are but well, you haven't just popped over before."

I had been a Lestrange for nearly nine months and I could count the number of times Andie had  been here on my fingers, and none of them uninvited. Not that it was a problem- just unexpected.

I pulled her in from the cold into the manor.

"Im so happy to see you Andie !" I said hugging her again.

She hugged me tightly and I felt in her arms what Id instantly seen in her face , what she thought was hidden.

I didn't know why but there was a sadness about her, an anxiety mixed with expectancy. 

Andie  was always the calm, reasoned one. Me being  reactionary and hot - headed , Narcissa being whiny and an instigator- Andie had always been the calm in the storm
That was the sisters Black.

But here stood my calm in the midst of her own tempest. I could see it on her face,  in the way her body moved despite her lying lips.

Id summoned an elf for tea and snacks and pulled her happily into the sitting room- my sitting room. It was still odd to  me to be Lady of a manor. A wife.

I was just Bella in my mind. Andie's sister.

We talked , she doing her best to hide all that was churning inside her and me my best to asks prompting questions hoping to drag it out of her.

We spent long moments that seemed like seconds.

Time with Andie always flew- her  sweetness made you want to linger in her presence, the  laughs too many to count .

Had I only known that was the last time Id hear that laugh Id have found a way to bottle it.

She ran that night , once she left me. With Ted Tonks.

I've asked myself numerous times- what if she had felt comfortable enough to tell me. Would I have understood? Would I have made her feel safe ? Or would   I have spouted blood purity nonsense.

Seeing that I never reached out to her and threw myself headlong into the ranks of hate alongside my husband and a mad man , I'm afraid my response would have been just what she feared .

Id never see her again, my sister, my other half, the calm to my storm.

But Id see her in her daughter- and still I raised my wand.

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