Smoky Grey

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A thousand fireworks explode inside me, and I feel them in him too, in his lips on mine, and his hands in my hair, and the way we pull each other closer. Everything else falls away, and in this moment, when we touch, we are light.
Jessi Kirby,
Things We Know by Heart

Smoky Grey

The colour of the puffs coming from the Hogwarts Express.

I looked at the clock on the far wall of the room I was sat in the Leaky Cauldron. The train should be arriving any minute bringing the students back to their families.

And Lucius to me.

Moments like this I felt like there was something certainly untoward about our relationship. And not just the adultery.

I put my head in my hands, a heaviness overcoming me.

I was sat here waiting for my lover, my extra-marital affair to get here off the train bringing him back from school.

The school boy who was engaged by contract to my sister.

Me. A pure blood witch. Sacred Twenty Eight, married to a man that any woman would want, handsome, wealthy, pure blood- and I was here meeting Lucius. Hogwarts Prefect.

DammitBella .

I don't understand my life.

I stood and poured  myself some fire whiskey, sitting back down drinking it slowly.
Rodolphus loves brandy, but sometimes I just needed fire whiskey.

I like the burn of it in my throat.
Reminds me I'm alive.

I took a deep breath as the alcohol hit my bloodstream and I began to relax. I slowed my mental berating  of all I held dear as my tensions began to melt away. I began to soothe my over wrought conscience.

Lucius and I were only two years apart. And he wasn't exactly a boy. That little school boy could make me blush like a chaste Virgin. It's not our fault we fell for each other- and years ago. Id been forced to marry Rod- so I can't be blamed for having feelings for another, one Id been with all these years . All Sacred Twenty Eight Marriages had this problem. We weren't unique. Affairs were part of the arranged marriage package.

What was different was that I loved Rodolphus. And Lucius was not just some affair, some fun on the side.

He was my everything.

Maybe I should end everything and just be with Rod . Lucius had another year of school after all .

My brain kept wrestling with the problems and guilt that plagued me when a knock came at the door. I jumped up and opened a crack to see who it was and saw his clear grey eyes.

I didn't have time to open it the rest of the way as Lucius had immediately pushed it open kicking it shut as he grabbed me around the waist, pulling me hard against him  before kissing me passionately.

No hello, not even a smile all I saw before his lips met mine was unbridled desire. It looked a lot like anger , the intensity was so fierce but I knew that look well.

He dropped his luggage and started pushing me across the room as his hands tore at my clothing. He quickly unlaced the corseted strings at my back and slipped the dress from my shoulders, his mouth moving quickly down my neck to the newly exposed flesh. I gasped as his teeth pressed in at the base of my neck and my hands began working on his clothes in turn . Id managed to unfasten his trousers that had now grown too tight before he shoved me backwards on the bed.

No innocent school boys to be found here...

He was over top of me in no time, holding himself over me gazing down the length of my body with a smile.

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